
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2021


several million dead

viral third world war

accounting so far




closer to our God

raising life

       & & & 


light creates

water cultivates

sacred life

      & & &

holy life

water cultivates

light creates

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Tuesday, August 10, 2021


fire storm tales
ten points plus
bent marks on the richter scale
costly hidden landmine fuss
gradients on the friction scale
haunting so many lost places
where some of us have dauntless been
battles leaving bloody traces
weeping relevant wounds
marring and scarring life
entrenched brazen politics
always pushing rash poison
stoic nightmarish benchmarks
yearning modern burning nature
a flaming lightshow of schemes it seems
recalling trackless quaking tales
Fukushima and Chernobyl facts
quavering grey to black still
reactionary acts never curtailed
anatomical physics and radioactive goals
noble gas seeping from deep holes
oblate inertia blasting through our physical lives
regret and tears worrying us
driven by so many oblique war torn years
fearlessly washing us over bleached coral shoals
creating endless volcanic craters
shock forging our eternal molten souls
scattering radioactive smoke and ash
a hot mash engorged on incinerated feelings
rearranging trash and atomic grit
such remorseful emotional death
far beyond limiting boundaries
unsound lifetimes full of viral shit
reflecting grimacing diminished life
will normal virtually take a stand
against these informal soundings
roundly leaving complimentary imprints
of our complacent broken selves
all those meaningless tattoos
littering this fragile human landscape
adjacent to this instance exhibit A
inescapable trails of fabled comets
revealing impatient exploded stars
all those expedient faulty things
continual racing to what ever it seems
daily melting virtual down
marginalizing every frail continuance
churning into something bottomless
unfathomable issuance of sink holes
judgement day and exhibit B
remarkable mystery and untold worm holes
light rushing beyond our hearts and souls
fright revealing tragic tortured minds
so much unknown emotional cost
following every mystical winding road
some A listed are plastic prisoners
clustered in iconoclastic work camps
realistically those B enlisted
indentured monotheistic workers
lingering in monotone death camps
enslavement and solitary confinement
razor wire and strategically placed landmines
confirming hated puritanical visions
devoid of every queen and king's wonderland
conferred midways of bright lights
conviviality that appears so grand
such a high fence between us
accommodated with diminished rights
stolen lives nailed to every ordered assignment
eventually joy and happiness is buried by those decisions
roiling eccentric bigotry ruling
following bold concentric racism
cold institutions maintain their firm grip
armed terrorists and heartless fools have a solid hold
unfolding psychosis remanding all the colours of the world
psychotic armies refusing to destroy their steely traps
relinquish control of this human experience
confusing compassionate pairs of more caring hands
freedom must unshackle individual minds
let practical masses and peaceful loving creatures
including simple street and cave people
peacefully inhabiting brave planet earth
continuing this simple revolutionary spin
we're tethered to earth's temple axis
revolving we travel and breathe together
evolutionary moments turning into lifetimes
ablution in this strange space we're always in
goodness will hopefully throw us lifelines
peacefully commit us to this utopic journey
evolving around our flaming atomic star
could the merciful moon ever refuse gravity
reverse confused corruption and depravity
abruptly what if boss forgotten God
remains a lever of creativity
yet God is naturally unforgiving
pro-reactively assuming ourselves
consuming bits of this active universe
forever absorbing fractions
sharing fragmented matter
spatters from distant galaxies
bowing down to divinity's blackholes
perhaps 7 billion years from now
before our shattered star
attentively expands to relentless nova
contentiously our solar system
exists to be consumed
bolts of brazen hydrogen
grazing electromagnetic pulsations
waves of disintegrating helium
such a raging furnace of holy fire
divine love will seem
like some mysterious dream
can this megalithic legend ever come true
avoid contagious war
cradle intricate peace
terminate mass destruction
replace zones of horrible fate
harmony becoming a generous trait
remake the world with peaceful compassion
employ empathic passion
envelope the earth with blessed divine
reflecting universal nuclear fission
diminishing atomic fusion on this earthly mission
integral grapes ripening on a perfect virtual vine
visions of perfect spiritual fruit
sacred water distilled from bitter wine

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Thursday, August 5, 2021


I've carried a Swiss army knife
in my front trouser pocket
a gift my dead father gave me
a ready reliable tool for life
many long years ago
astride my steady roan horse
appropriately named Rocket
riding bareback and racing
I lost that useful multi-bladed knife
while galloping down a back road rocky place
tracing back I came across it
run over by at least one careless car tire
that knife suffered but a tiny clean chip
marking the fiery red grip of that tool
surviving the crush and pummel of that auto load
I've put that treasured knife to use
continuously over all these many years
shaving and whittling beside countless campfires
marveling at how those shiny points and blades
made such a lasting steely impression
that sturdy useful jack knife tool
tactfully impressed upon me
so many lasting expressions
deep depressions tools mark us with
some tools slice and dice
others carve out our plural will
those ones are worthy and nice
some overtly screw and drill
secret agents use them
there are those that act covertly
creating upending suppression
slicing into segmented cultures
deploying subversive political ways
such oppressive art that rips and frays
tearing at the very fabric of human kind
art and those other intentionalists
Renoir Manet Pissaro and Matisse if I must remind
expressive impressionists
revealing a similar overt mind
tools in hand they painted
ballet dancers and relaxed strolling tourists
standing by those popular Parisienne places
sporting portable easels and their narrow brushes
myriads of messy tubes of garish oil
painting colourful dresses with cosmetic faces
but then those heedless critical remarks
drew countless needless flushes
flashes from a post age of enlightenment past
a neo-remarkable cast of modernistic painters
embarking into my neo-fodder dream
I am carrying another odd old tool
my lengthy well-used sharpened drawknife
brandishing that double wooden handled blade
I'm hurrying along through busy rooms and hallways
moving quickly from the third floor
sprinting echoing stairwells down to the first
again and again opening closed doors
I'm searching for something
those many things that have been stripped away
I'm experiencing some great gripping thirst
someone has stolen my valuable things
I'm asking everyone I meet
but no one honestly knows or courageously admits
I can't find any connective strings
I'm feeling flustered and a bit confused
not knowing or understanding those I greet
why has this distressing action occurred
what faction would steal my uninsured tools
my favourite worn jeans and fractured work shirt
those shoes with traction I so preferred
I'm traveling from one floor to the next
searching and searching
up and down those dim halls I'm lurching
around and around and around
wandering this busy fractioned mall
I'm feeling quite unsound and vexed
asking here and inquiring there
looking in every empty cupboard
reading posters fixed on textile walls
obscure impressionist pictures
exhibiting bold overboard text
I'm glancing behind every unlocked door
still nothing I have lost can be found
unexpectedly it dawns on me
as I reflect then turn around
suddenly it is all so profound
I am searching for myself
looking for my lost wandering soul
meteorically I realize I've strayed
God is waiting nearby to flay me
skin me alive and turn my insides out
revealing my whole inner self
that hidden being which is my very soul
but I don't feel contented about this rout
upon discovery I clench my fists and shout
knowing what this result is all about
all that divinity and omniscient being
truly wants to eat us all alive
if we ever somehow find or see God
we'll know the end is truly near
with that sacred deliverance
God will devour us whole one by one
like green peas ripped from a stripped open pea pod
all our reverence and earthly fears
will have been for nothing
that will become finitely clear
as the one contrite true God
will frightfully stop at nothing
rightfully shed not one tear
inhibit universal light
neither blessed prayer
nor mystical word
can ever rightly save us
love does not need reasoning
true love demands surrendering
cannibalize this entire human herd
neither exploit any flaked blade or forged tools
divine nature shall speak one final holy word
God will have us as a final goal
shall celebrate finial spires and us unworthy fools
rigidly feast on every bleeding heart and unkempt soul

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Sunday, August 1, 2021


tree frogs used to come here
climbing my cabin wall
hang out here without fear
just to sing and croak
also spake Zarathustra
now all these years later
I finally understand
what precious those tree frogs
already somehow knew
demanding crystal nature
just like Trismegistus too
mystical words were invoked
screw you screw you
like those defeated ghosts
possessing the school at Mopas
who wrote that grim past
wandering dim eerie halls at night
haunting that old merciless school at Carcross
speaking in forced english
mistreated in blind sight
who are you who are you
remarks that some of us clearly heard
echoing through the dauntless silence
we somehow resolutely knew
there had been anguish and danger there
so few so very few
us that somehow realized
frocks and cowls hid those serialized
demons destroyers and cannibals too
the infected world should have known better
all the defective signs and sign posts
were obviously visible there
scattered all along the reflective wayside
even those wooden crosses driven deeply
into the parched and thirsty ground
old iron nails filling rusted holes
struck with bits of dried flesh
entrusted with innocence and crusted blood
filling the air with a rancid pious smell
all that scratching haunting
attached and all around
truth wants to come forward
rise up out of that scurrilous grave
shout out to the four winds
commenting on dishonesty
resulting from institutional tells
but who cared who ever truly cared
now the swollen bitter sky
marks a sullen gritty end
litter has filled our unholy minds
along the frittered wayside
all that shit that shitty rends
oh holy tree frog
I wonder where you have gone
I know I'll never see you again
in my injured heart and wounded soul
I know you have forever disappeared
clarity now it is all so very clear
that last song and searing croak
you summarily came to tell
a branding line from a familiar story
that ancient one which speaks of hell
what about the red sacred cow
will there ever be another now
what about the holy white buffalo calf
come to teach and walk the earth
carrying a remarkable blessed staff
can there be some evolved rebirth
or are we simply doomed
haunting what profoundly remains
profundity on every gaunt coral reef
while wanton greed and blackheartedness
continues to relish shark fin soup
what redemptive prophets have finally come
standing alone on a towering remote mount
a sacred spring flowing from their open hands
what penetrating words and poetry
have they cosmically come to profess
but the confused world
has closed its mighty immoral ears
greed and avarice will never fall down
upon those unrighteous knees
never hail universal truth
reveal or redemptively confess
for the sullen swollen sky
has come to devour us
on this fateful day
when God finally closes its holy eye
what ever will be left what ever will be left
here on earth to simply live and be
humans will one day wake to realize
this existence wasn't a contest
winning all the gold and silver
wanting to horde all that infamous flash
trash along with all the bloody rest
now all the sacred birds
have flushed and flown away
nothing good is in the broken sky
what can those of us that passed enlightenment's test
revealing so many crushed and empty nests
but we have utterly failed
this our earthly testament
now estimate everything
good and pure is going away
a company of our unrepentant folly
now everything sweet and sure
we have intently dismissed
accompanied by that seamless dodo bird
fringe cousin to ringless Frodo
and that croaking tree frog
including so much resistant glory
together we are writing
this last consistent chapter
insistently characterizing
all this universal gloom
about this unhappy immoral story
if it weren't for the healing nature of plants
where would we ever be
we need to mend our severed hearts
realize we still can revere and exist
live lives that are good and free
yet the oppressors oppress
suppressing true wisdom
maintaining financial phantoms
corrected with digital distress
no doubt the world is under great duress
with out a doubt the world is anxious
ask omniscient contemptuous God
why can't we live sanctified life
simply be good to one another
everyday we could share
knowing we would be blessed
but like the holy disappearing tree frog
diminishing ocean krill and right whale song
we must continentally realize
with all our worldly skill
something we have willfully done
has gone terribly horribly wrong


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