
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jump blind into vast chasms,
Fall backwards from precipitous heights,
Pour boiling oil on your orgasms,
Rage naked during dark dangerous nights.

Bury yourself in treacherous innocence,
Crucify your soul when you wake,
Pierce your heart with shards from a splintered fence,
Drown your spirit in a burning lake.

Oh Man! What good hast thou made?
Oh Woman! Are your breasts precious jewels?
Dost thou thirst, reposed in perfect shade?
Hast thou forged love with earthly fuels?

Kind heartedness has not forgiven me,
Eager compassion has deserted us,
Every righteous choice has abandoned me,
Desolation has wantonly visited us.

I bleed profusely from these wounded mortal bounds,
We writhe as one under crushing abstruse pain,
I lament midnight hours listening to hells baying hounds,
We grieve filled with sorrow riding that tormented train.

Where is light when sudden darkness falls?
Has God forsaken this worldly plane?
When does heaven open wide and call?
Can the lamb truly lay safe curled in the lions mane?

Come hither to this sacred pool,
Drink deep from this blood filled chalice,
Ponder not this mortal fool,
Alas the stars fall filled with malice.

Pity every human heart beat,
Let mercy accompany each child's soul,
Render holy prayers complete,
For penitence is what makes us whole.

In turn each soul shall suffer plight,
Forever lost in eternal wonder,
March forth death, abstain from light,
For with our sin, love is rent asunder.

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