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What is music?
But notes,
a series of measures,
that sound denotes.
Ah! But wait!
It is, it be,
so much more!
Music gives,
gratification and pleasure,
fast and slow!
It is,
up and down,
stairs and an elevator!
Music is,
passion and power,
glory and beauty!
It is movement and dance,
gaiety and laughter!
Music is melody
and rhythm,
beat and groove!
It is beauty and perfection,
orchestra and band!
Music is life
and death,
sadness and grief.
It is temperament and emotion,
chorus and direction!
Music is depth and dimension!
Happiness and joy!
It is travel and vacation,
ceremony and visitation!
Music is,
sojourn and journey,
sleep and dreams!
It is vibration and wavelength,
chess and a puzzle!
Music is language
and song,
novel and poem!
It is danger and darkness,
shining light and glaring brilliance!
Music is feast and famine,
hip hop and waltz!
Music is oil and vinegar,
dinner and breakfast!
It is flight and fancy,
love and hate!
Music is war and peace,
battle and plague!
It is ocean and river,
glacier and lava!
Music is you
and me,
us and them!
It is poverty and genius,
wealth and riches!
Music is gold and silver,
turquoise and topaz!
It is mind and thought,
vision and perception!
Music is character and concept,
movie and play!
It is castle and apartment,
dungeon and tower!
It is angel and demon,
plant and animal!
Music is cosmos and comet,
quasar and quantum leap!
It is energy and muse,
emotion and kisses!
Music is planet and earth!
All across the universe!
It is God, the Creator,
Man the Master!
Life's broadcaster,
Music Is!
If time dared stand still, if brother moon be flung into a nova sun,
If love lay raped and cold and dead, forgotten in some lonely grave,
If days turned black as night, if crude oil spoiled our sacred run,
Surely God would weep for us! Oceans cease their crescent wave!
If love lay bleeding by the littered wayside,
If all joy be swept from life, replaced by tragic sorrow,
If true happiness lie scourged, lost in raptures waning tide,
Stars would fall from burning skies, on the broken morrow.
Why does war and selfish wickedness raze so many lands?
Why is our sacred world so ruined, ruthlessly shattered?
Will all birds cease to sing, all fish disgraced in burning sands?
Why are lies so freely spoken, as if truth never mattered?
All mankind hides shame, such sinful dreadful tales should tell,
Once were warriors, confirmed with courage, honourably brave,
Devils shock mankind's soul, rifle righteousness into flagrant hell,
Surely sun will cease to shine, virtue debased to ash, good knight reduced to knave.
So many, countless dead and buried,
Blameless millions entombed in dust,
Precious life so timeless, ever hurried,
Foul rivers run rampant, 'cross a calloused crust.
Let the fleeting world feast on blessed truth again,
Heal mortal wounds, apply sacred balm and prayer,
Admit joy into one's heart again, as adoration should e'er remain,
Let love and wisdom always be thy bliss, everlasting soothesayer.
Peace opens barred and guarded doors,
Blood flows thicker than tears and holy water,
Immortal love, designed creation, all that God adores,
Remove mankind's thorny crown, remit this useless slaughter.
Where innocent lives are stolen by evil sin,
When heartbreak lies bludgeoned in the bloodied fore,
Why forever crushes joy in the waxing din,
What then my kin, will faith still lead us to a blessed shore?
What is life, if heaven meets it's doom?
Where God has planted seed, will Satan reap his hell?
Why would planets stay, if sacred left the room?
When sun refuse to shine, will moon abstain as well?
God forbid! What hymns are left to sing?
Can life continue, when earth quakes before impending fall?
Is goodness rent asunder, if vipers strike and sting?
Will spirit ascend to heaven, when time remits its call?
Take your leave, ascend the mountain face,
Strike the gong, as time recites in ancient tongue,
Fling ope all dungeon gates, chain terror in that horrid place,
Lower hope down to that realm, fairly balanced, rung to rung.
Commune, this blessed wafer, personify spirit, embody soul,
Epiphany upholds thy trust, entreats euphoric capture,
Whilst daring time bids life adieu, epoch's unrelenting goal,
Suffusing life, mixing water with sacred springs, fresh fruit from Eden's rapture.
Still, wild horses gallop 'cross primeval windswept dunes,
Distant galaxies bravely conjure hope, desiring for all,
Stars, yet nova, twist and twink, resolving distant moons,
Whilst God weeps, ghostly time boasts, hosts this earthly call.
Great leaders, in their wisdom, should don the uniform and braid,
March to the front line, go to battle, lead the glory charge,
With their sons and daughters by their side, steady, ready, staid,
Usher in the battle fray, lead onslaught beyond the battle marge.
But alas, authority drops out of sight, cowards, hiding in their storied towers,
Sending youngsters they've ne'er known, to the eastern front,
Trumpeting war, so selfishly warranted, less regard for treasured flowers,
Fiercely touting patriots, salute the flag, telling wanton lies, greed parlays the hunt.
There is no glory in death, only stench and stink and rot,
Dead soldiers lay departed, in war's bloodied tangled mess,
Haunted souls, make the lonesome journey, to where they finally got,
So true, corroded blue, this reckless stew, where patrons must confess.
Reciting biting poetry, that rips the guts out, bleeds the heart, tears at the very soul,
Tell it as it really is, war is hell, war is hell, hellish war, reeking of that horrid smell,
Crouching by the wayside like a raging tiger, ripping mortal parts from the wounded whole,
Grips its prey without remorse, crazed by that relished flesh, war is hell, war is hell, war is hell.
Stripping men and countryside of all worthy marks and cause,
Leaving remorseful tales, forsaken bloated corpse, where ragged armies fell,
Remark their gruesome tale, as yon battle fakes a momentary pause,
Still, dead and wounded lay penitent, war is hell, war is hell, war is hell.
Castled in their ivory towers, gloating mongers raise crystal to their evil cause,
Idolatry, worship gold and riches, hording stolen wealth, kept safe beyond war's peril,
While in the field of battle, children die, hacked by heartless bombs that seldom pause,
Distant godless men in charge, fortress, away from danger, like rabid dogs gone feral.
Oh good greatness! How doth peaceful love e'er resolve this ghastly conflict?
Battle calls bugle in the charge, in the shadows still old glory waves, blameless innocence fell,
Can't folk see how senseless is the matter, same in the end, always earning cruel verdict?
Grave warriors mark the bloodied dell, lamenting as the setting sun, war is hell, all war is hell.
God forgive me! I impeach aristocracy, blue bloods cloaked with their rank cupidity,
Purloining, pilfering, surreptitiously thieving, embezzling earth's riches and her wealth,
Kings and captains, in their buttressed towers, relying on fear tactics and stupidity,
Knowing power shores up their station, war bears their strength and stealth.
Life depends on mother earth, good men understand that truth,
Elitists shun the word of God, make light of earth's renown,
Authority, mastery, domination, their battle plans uncouth,
Camel through the needle's eye, they'll ne'er don Christ's sacred crown.

I prayed for joy, and joy became,
Through ether, thence the All,
I prayed for hope, let hope remain,
Transcending vapour, whence the All.
I hoped for healing, healing shone,
God came to me, midst universal stealth,
I ope'd my heart, the broken gone,
Spirit empowered me, with eternal wealth.
I prayed for peace, death rejoiced,
Holy of Holies, ran the gauntlet,
I prayed for heaven, angel voiced,
Ghostly dreams, revealed the haunted.
I desired faith, faith parted the sea,
Lest wonderment, dash fear that danger fraught,
I desired sight, clarity was given me,
Spectacle delivered freedom, emancipation caught.
I prayed for wisdom, wisdom taught,
Soul enlightened me, as Seth spake,
I prayed for light, light forged and wrought,
Prophetic dreams, path visions take.
I longed for love, love caressed my soul,
Still marvelous awe, thence the All,
I longed for purity, purity made me whole,
Through adoration, whence the All.
So much longing, so much life,
So many hopes, so many prayers,
So much desire, so much strife,
So many tears, so many layers.
Awake, thus breathe, hear Heaven's call,
Partake, delight in this earthly feast,
Know love and joy, worship the All,
Surrender your heart, embrace your inner priest.
Know then, as every wise man sought,
Mountain caves, where self judgement taught,
Deep in the sea, where rare courage rises,
Unfathomable mysteries, Spirit cloaked by many guises.

All those hidden mysteries,
Confounding ancient histories,
Yet stone circles still reveal,
Precious, artifacts, balm to heal.
Recess, in your snug earth home,
Setting sun bids farewell, still not alone,
Our happy hearth, those storied fires,
Family laughter, until all lay tired.
Stand tall, midst circled standing stone,
Sing proud, as cosmic poems atone,
Search e'ery forest, life plants the seed,
Walk song lines, count flaming comets, taking special heed.
Sacred Fire! Torch in hand, while Sol's arrival deems,
Daylight dreams, cyclic streams, necessity it seems,
As coloured wind blows soft across the deep vast ocean,
Grand scale, God's divine breath, pray, that holy motion.
Was? Or did I dream this?
A ring of standing stones, their mythic kiss,
Does season herald legend foretold?
Doth celebration gleam with silver, glimmer gold?
What? Ancestral bones! Grandmother tell us all your unwritten stories!
Grandfather stone! Unhinge your sacred jaw, reveal all your hidden glories!
Cradle my angelic soul, allow me this granite view, adore your shimmering wing,
As arcing love pre-dawns, seasoned stone breathes life, glorious monuments forever sing.
Decorate your hymns with elite monastic icing,
Revolve with split second timing, sacred vibration, so enticing,
Wonder objects, talisman, spirit us away to new reality,
Abrasive hours, sophisticated corridors, powerful congeniality.
Exquisite life! Bow down to Sacred Being, Oneself,
Awake! Relinquish destiny, sitting nigh upon the shelf,
Treat the stars with song, dance beyond stone-age doldrums,
Reverence, illuminate beating hearts, heal with the beating drums.
Magnets draw us in, t'ward each center, thy living heart,
Like exquisite fireflies, light the way, Sacred's resplendent art,
Hurry onwards! Towards e'ery tall tower, accost the narrow ledge!
Reconstruct each sun beam, shout rays of light from that neolithic edge.
Exquisitely carve, again, beyond the known realm,
Like that Grand Chieftain, reveal passage, stand firm at the helm,
Power! Forged by King and Sage and Seer, conceived by devil fire,
Sacred time invites blessed space, and this, thy own dear Shire.
Standing Stones! Arise in heaven's light! Welcome in the brilliant dawn!
Protection, standing armoured, twixt ancient legend, mocking king and pawn,
Raise up thy quarried piers, resolve worthy trust, mark mankind's human fears,
Midst stones that quaver, trial and truth laments, gurus weep, streaming joyous tears.