
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Strange Love

Strange, this love I have for you!
Our love once was bliss, and oh so new!
Fading into stranger still,
I adore all that strangeness, that is  you.
Watch precious love slip between my open hands,
understand my heart break, as I watch you walk away.
Does your heart turn to stone when you're reminded of me?
Does your blood run cold when you hear my voice?
Do your eyes shut tight when you glimpse my face?
Has that love we found truly disappeared without a trace?
Oh strange love, this beast I keep manacled and caged for you!
Fading into stranger still,
my strangled heart still flutters,
with such exotic love for you.
Crazy love! My foolish heart that loco love broke.
Seeing your captivating face, I'm still ripped apart.
Hearing your bewitching voice,
my racing heart traces those finely featured lines,
kissing your face, holding both your hands in mine,
so much errant love that was once so fresh and oh so kind.
All those brazen things that pried us apart,
still bound and tempered within my tender soul,
corraling all my curious thoughts,
you've washed and scrubbed me,
hung me out to dry,
trod and trampled o'er my passion,
with all your womanly might.
Images I've kept dear in a treasured place,
bring sweet dreams, they seem so right.
Yet those reflections of your precious grace,
are whipped and beaten by the very sight,
of your alluring measure and your angry face.

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