
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Gravity arrested my being, pulling me down to mother earth,
Aching to breathe again I was prodded from another past life tomb,
Desiring life I was pulled to this tortured earthly plane via birth,
Longing for life I was pushed from my mother's strangled womb,
Yearning to see again I opened my eyes with such marvelous new sight,
Marveling at creation I heard birds singing entrancing sweet trills,
Each step I take I see universe acquiescing to God's perfect light,
Ecstatic I sipped pure water, tasted delicious fruit, such fabulous thrills,
God blesses me every day now with each flawless welcome morn,
Creation mystifies me each night with a miraculous moon and red Mars,
Like Siddhartha I have watched myself die only to be reborn,
Again and again, as the milky way spirals its way past heavenly stars,
So novae flourish in all the galaxies, wending their way to certain glory,
In the blink of an eye one last lifetime, soon we must be gone forever,
In a dream humankind shall perish from this envious fragile story,
Only shadows can remain in this imaginative land of never ever,
Until perfect God snuffs out all his righteous impeccable light,
When heaven finally sings one finishing hymn, so divinely right,
And angels recite one last prayer, surrendering in God's omnipotent sight.

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