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First a look at the clock
Next an assertive knock
"Dave's not here"
Tick tock tick tock
Another servile knock
"Good morning Dave"
"Good morning Hal"
Time pals
Placement of odyssey
Another space oddity
Tick tock tick tock
Hoping we don't blow a fuse
Refuse out here in confused space
What a lonely spatial place
Tracking a celestial muse
Tracing a galactic life time of cruze
Such a racy fantasy
Across the Serengeti
Traversing Antarctica
Intersecting Equatorial Africa
Sailing the blue Pacific
Bridging the cold Atlantic
Honouring the setting summer sun
Watching the harvest moon rise and run
Siwashing an untamed winter night away
Attentive servants and guests of Montezuma
Measuring rasping glaciers carving time
Gasping at fervent stars and errant meteors
Imprinting history upon my aspiring soul
Tick tock tick tock
"Good afternoon Dave"
"Good afternoon Hal"
So many mysterious birthdays
Everyone born pre-civil war
Before all that civil blood and reckless gore
In rode proud rivalry and more
Hal grew guilty horns too
Computing a moxy new world
Brave flickers on dismissive screens
Slave everything
Ridiculous regularly seen
What a vermicular and often clouded scene
Distended and crashing like a reckless tsunami
Expanding crowds smashing into the extended future
Still mountains of trash surrounding you and me
Welded onto the fabric of tomorrow
Suturing fractured today
"Good evening Dave"
"Good evening Hal"
Hal replicating a fabricated universe
"Just checking in to see what you believe"
Our USB ports are clogged with sultry monitors
"Making sure we all behave"
A cult list of haunting dragon monitors
Finally fiery beginnings meet the stunted end
Greetings and a divisive trend
Every device a vice
Waking up on spicy tomorrow
"Good morning Dave"
"Good morning Hal"
Perhaps I've been a mug
I'm pulling the damn plug
Plug me
Damn me
Tug me
Entice me
Un-device me
So much resistant memory
Insistent digital baggage
How will humankind manage
Reinventing every advantage
Disadvantage brings an artificial tear
Fear blurring our human eyes
There in lies a vantage key
Artificial you and imitation me
Plus ersatz nature is three
A grand unnatural trinity
Gushing with artificial knowledge
Pushing the world into manufactured tomorrow
Rushed by harrowing devices
Then in a narrow dream
Pulling the feral plug
"Daisy Daisy"
"I'm scared Dave"
I feel I'm losing myself
Tick tock tick tock
Like Y2K displaying a 1984 time and space clock
Placed with bemused reconciliation
Consolation and founding new beginnings
Another displaced year nailed to an ace shelf
Ichabod Crane deliberately mounted
Saddled and rocking on Gunpowder of course
Liberally frocked and publicly recounted
Stalked and mocked by a remorseless Republican elf
Pursued by Liberty riding a two-headed horse

Here we are
On this great exodus
Wandering through universe
Exploring universal desert
Examining desert hearts
Here we are
Camping with deserted souls
Trekking across this great expanse
Reaching out to gods
Breaching perimeters
Stretching parameters
Springing from our caves
Our warm nurturing caves
Born in a cold world
Our mother's moiling womb
Enveloped by Gaia's roiling tomb
All that earthly wisdom
Fostering such a wise world
Nurturing wisdom within our souls
Mother earth holding our hand
Encouragement as we reach out
Courageous maternal instincts
Watch us break out to the moon and stars
Teach us about paternal reflection
Remind us our cave is a royal home
That sacred human place
A beleaguered benediction
Where gloom was painted
History on stark rock walls
A doomed past beneath our feet
A sacred place where our ancestors met
Prayers and songs and roasting meat
Such a rich grotto
A blessed womb
Such a plentiful world
A restful tomb
I've known crested summers like that
Arresting story book seasons
You wish they'd never end
Fairytale notions with campfire reasons
Glorious nooks and beached sessions
We hold on with good intentions
Precious inventions
Would be moments in the end
What comment could have been
What dominion would have been
Restless should have been
Segments cherished
Vestal guests dear friends
Vestiges of spiritual trends
Reminiscent of where we are
Those omniscient stars
So here we are blazing again
Staring off at Mars
Here we finally are again
Driving electric cars

sands of time
hands of time
hands on a clock face
hands on your face
gentle touch
perhaps an emotional crutch
each second
each moment
each grain of sand
count the stars in the universe
recount all those fine grains of sand
yours and mine
moments in time
magical time
bouncing us around
mystical time
stretching heaven down to the ground
alpha and omega
sublime found
dreams of sound
seamless eons
all those meaningful millennia
so many rosebush years
hordes of timely fears
happy rhymes surrounded by sordid tears
morbid time's intentional career
every etched grain of sand
sketchy seconds as they tick away
all those wretched moments we see
all those fetching moments we wish would stay
mythical time
time for work
time to play
radiance via rays from the timely sun
displayed across a frigid universe of sorts
with gadget time immersed
submerged into the thick of things
counting diverse badger days
those terse moments we dare
sharing those crucial times
we need to bear down and care
wond'ring if love is really there
wond'ring if time is rightly versed
wond'ring if love is slightly cursed
like pyramids rehearsing in the desert sand
those arrested Pharoahs
noble fletching on significant arrows
buried by the sands of time
relentless sphinx on some oppressive quest
refusing to pause between each restive rhyme
unrepentant for all that's gone before
invention mixed within some timely core
all those finely textured grains of sand
a mixture of moments crossing the river Styx
uncertain hours remain at hand
washed and tossed by timely kissing tides
measuring moon times on this global ride
God blesses each watchful hand
sweeping away each fitful night
illuminating ev'ry randy day
such a standard timeless sight
those spartan hands of time
gripping us in mid-flight
tripping us up on wishful summer days
yet here we are
standing back to back alas
summoned to where we must stay
remanded back to where we always are
back to that familiar far-off land
shadowed by winter's inferior light
crusty Winken, Blinken and Nod
such a trusted sleepy band
timeless cousins occupying a remote land
detailing endless rosebud hours
starlight on another timely winter night

I mark each passing day
Whittling marks on my chiseled soul
I wish I could remold each troubled mark
Old bark along my feeble way
Marking every precious fabled day
Remarking at the rabble night
Mirroring remarkable star light
Shimmering scenes across dark waters
Lurking like expectant monsters
Quirks in stark shadows
Camouflaged hidden marks
Appearances in murky shallows
Thus I mark each intrepid spot
How tainted and marked I've become
Marking faint pathways
Peeling away past seasons and old paint
Remarkable in some periodic way
Revealing rare layers
Repealing old remarks
Old repressive grieving
Like growing pains and teething
Leaving marks and scars behind
Echoing dreams and soulful songs
Poems and recitation by singing larks
Those harmonic remarks I leave
Reflecting diatonic scales and parks of joy
Inception to remarkable happiness
Concepts that aren't always hapless
On my corrective knees I've crept
Adept at following respected trails
Kidnapped by receptive craft and elective tincture
Sapped remnants and other scraps
Scuttle bins stuffed with petty peeves
Dangling bits from all my bitter fails
Falling over some remarkable universe
Remarkably startled by commercial tales
All that glint and gleam of falling leaves
We watched Howdy Doody in reverse time
Rowdy plebes motivated by rhyme and perverse crime
Barking wildly at some universal mime
Diving recklessly into those other dark depths
Feckless vocals demanding stark calls by surfacing grebes
Stalled in respective stork time
Still I regret those delineating lines
Fine chimneys of regret in remarkable climes
Reality similarly faking fantasy
All those dreams that making love defines