
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

I mark each passing day
Whittling marks on my chiseled soul
I wish I could remold each troubled mark
Old bark along my feeble way
Marking every precious fabled day
Remarking at the rabble night
Mirroring remarkable star light
Shimmering scenes across dark waters
Lurking like expectant monsters
Quirks in stark shadows
Camouflaged hidden marks
Appearances in murky shallows
Thus I mark each intrepid spot
How tainted and marked I've become
Marking faint pathways
Peeling away past seasons and old paint
Remarkable in some periodic way
Revealing rare layers
Repealing old remarks
Old repressive grieving
Like growing pains and teething
Leaving marks and scars behind
Echoing dreams and soulful songs
Poems and recitation by singing larks
Those harmonic remarks I leave
Reflecting diatonic scales and parks of joy
Inception to remarkable happiness
Concepts that aren't always hapless
On my corrective knees I've crept
Adept at following respected trails
Kidnapped by receptive craft and elective tincture
Sapped remnants and other scraps
Scuttle bins stuffed with petty peeves
Dangling bits from all my bitter fails
Falling over some remarkable universe
Remarkably startled by commercial tales
All that glint and gleam of falling leaves
We watched Howdy Doody in reverse time
Rowdy plebes motivated by rhyme and perverse crime
Barking wildly at some universal mime
Diving recklessly into those other dark depths
Feckless vocals demanding stark calls by surfacing grebes
Stalled in respective stork time
Still I regret those delineating lines
Fine chimneys of regret in remarkable climes
Reality similarly faking fantasy
All those dreams that making love defines

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