
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Saturday, October 31, 2020


I'm spelunking now
migrating deeper
emigrating into unexplored regions
another dank cave
still legions somehow
I'm navigating distant galaxies
seeking remitting light
imitation beyond the stars
I hear limited water dripping
like some sparse liquid cure
fastidiously resolving
living malady
still a clearly solvent pool
a congregation of ancient
sacred water
magnified glaciers on a resource mount
kneeling along the sanctified edge
I'm sipping from icy rivulets
factors of lubrication
free wheeling water
creating those milky streams
dreams encompassing moraine
steaming transitions
chasms of nectar
sunflower canyon walls
slick with creamy essence
I'm gripped by pure
elements of sure
if heaven were ruled
that lady of the lake
jealous stars would speak to us
each impatient moon
would never hesitate
reconstructing ancient runes
reciting poetic measures
giving thanks to potent earth
more than just a friendly nudge
witnessing righteous Orion
Nilotic hunter
trekking dog
traversing the roaming sky
a trying shove
universal love
reticence is simulated
life reflecting chaotic muss
remarking on remaking
this erotic journey
journals of scribbled fuss
down to the center
parting the roiling earth
exposing burning chapters
epiphany inscribed on moiling pages
creating anthropomorphic epitomes
wisdom throughout the ages
my own generic pocket light
serving to enlighten this rocket time
don't ask what is right
we all know what is truly wrong
just make sure  
you're securely hooked on
focused and ready in line
some sacred vision
in your heady sight
when the final word is written
when time finally admits contrition
hope will heal every smitten soul
reveal one last gilded word
one last origami verse
extracted from a universal mold
sacred Cranes in kind
then the folding world
will again unfold
hopes and dreams of yours and mine
Cranes exploring sacred dance
diversity ensuring
a story to be told
always a chance
midst revolution and adversity
existence deemed divine
evolution and restitution
everything will be just fine

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