funny how things go in life
sometimes we laugh with it
those thoughts we live with
in our hearts and minds
times when we're confused and blind
we can't help ourselves
breaking down we cry
struggling with it all
but still we must try
funny how things go
as years go by
sometimes happiness joins us
as we dance and sing
sometimes we simply curl up and die
deep in this soulful meditation
listen to the mantra of singing bowls
resounding life with all
its ringing accreditation
laugh and cry with light and dark
wounds leaving scars and lasting marks
so we're tested and often left bereft
those dangerous canyons
deep within our very souls
funny how things go in life
what is abnormal and what is norm
wandering those tragic depths
wading through transforming shoals
from the eye of every hurricane
through smoke and ash of fire storms
resolved and resting in calmer shallows
places where we sometimes find
life even with all its hard
is mostly good and sometimes kind
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