
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Saturday, August 5, 2023


walls into prison
keeps those
from digging
into fertile earth
someone sweeps
gathering garbage
heaven sent
piles on this broken street
how many token dead
everyone needs dying
counting needles
spoken poems and lines
poking into veins
tempted by arteries
fentanyl wants
needs to make you
one deserving host
most of all
sample fentanyl
haunts those streets
moaning ghosts and zombies
restrained to zombieland
where dead people walk
staring into demon eyes
no heaven or hell talk
just some given reality
punishing riveting pain
keeps creeping and crying
always that steep drop
seeping somewhere
dim and black
where lonely souls sprawl
cemented to sidewalks
blood sweat and tears
filling every injected crack
all those street fears
all that fentanyl and  street talk
what if liberating god called
what if liberal creation
suddenly took us back
would cement tombs
keep this institution
would prison walls
with creation's restitution
fail then fall
would stony souls
hear god's gentle call
or would cement
resent us one and all
keeping humanity
restrained and chained
cemented within
addicted to our prison stalls

                  * * *

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