
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Friday, December 6, 2024


Thirteenth Dimension

Part 1

if only
I could
spin time
make it
something more
than visual
something else
besides numbers
other than divisional
counting on
my revised hand
I have envisioned
one stand out finger
is it not
ask yourself
so outstanding
fantastically doubled
one on each
troubling hand
palm reading
dreaming God
being troubled
each personified second
foundling time
into concrete units
what is that
concentrated treatment
celestial unity
messiah sun
without impunity
does what
divine immunity
into that void
speaking out
from deep within
angelic stars
those inclined
to do
even avoidance
regaled with
fabled domesticity
bucking wood
building fire
baking bread
being earthy
mundane life
continuing humanely
certifiably spin worthy
objectified as deep
rectified within
universal obedience
that verified organic
biotic living thing
an embryonic experience
spirit morphing
revealing myopic energy
out of histrionic synergy

Part 2

untold melting glaciers
reverentially expanding
streaming out
swelling exponentially
devouring spatial din
fantastic pingos
welling up
half thawed
dwelling on
singing ground
forever cosmic foundation
refining woodland
undermining dwindling caribou
that cold material wind
blowing eternal snow
windigo calling
celerity resounding
relational edification
reliving anthropomorphic
scientific knowing

Part 3

creative cave days
sensational ways
seasonal divisions
splitting ratios
contractual fractions
timelessly romancing
fractal extravagance
various additions
even graceful
marginally minute
frugal integration
under reverential magnification
revealing further revelation
nurturing revelating time
eventfully investing
out of stodgy dark
even oddly interesting
resilient shadows
sentient codger night
even stark silence
impossibly folded
delivered into days
those science holdings
entranced by contrite
where resolvent months
reflect solvency
mirroring time's
moral resilience
truth's immanence
rescinding those
insolvent years
what if ambivalence
advantageous problems
accentuating hollow folly
absolved with cruel trembling
following resentment
marked by absolution
until fool time
finally stops

Part 4

dry those
foolish tears
resolving all those
horrific fears
reconstituting nothing
what would be
no matter when
even counting minutes
perhaps infinitesimal
or just a finite spatter
marking those
selected hours
my one moment
timely distraction
rays of timeless
fomented light
forming once
per thousandth of a second
charming lifetime
some helpful karma
a fraternizing
dharma hand
could simply
soulfully and dutifully
beautifully materialize
habitate sacred land
truthfully maternalize
new world integration
inhabiting some other
integral time
habitual time is
so fatally intimate
recurrent and so
regally new
matter of beginnings
even more urgently
adherence to some
even shattering
divergent endings
only convergent time
would ever
dispel mythology

Part 5

that miracle staff
magic spells cast
occupancy of forest dwellings
mystic stuff
forever brandishing
fragments of that
mysterious rod
some futuristic sundial
breathing fire dragons
marking firstly
relative margins
each second hand
another part
then thirdly
high above
elevated clouds
if only
hard time
stands soundly
grandly upright
would possibly
grandiosely dare
implying rambling
as to walking
power trekking
into pretentious run
care to crawl
outwardly emerge
forwardly evolve
beneath a raging sun
compare universe
delineate inner truth
infiltrate universal God

Part 6

if only
God Head
I could relegate
stopping time
dispelling things
that seem odd
apparent egress
leaving appellant tracks
finish carelessness
perhaps dispelled
yet still bundled
founded by hateful
remaining distasteful
wasted time could
should come
to nothing
frightfully crude
something insightful
heightened mood
maybe without
acrid time
we would still
be something
a good narrative
more than less
less broody
more stress free
than needy
then readier
not just numbers
steadier and unencumbered
surfing tsunami waves
dismissed as flippant
earthquake blips
remiss fateful time
digging into
suspended sand
sad figuring
continuous graves

Part 7

money slips
economic blunders
those sometimes
socially dark thunder
even more rude
crude madness
ruefully harbouring
pretentious right
eventful campaigns
often deranged
sometimes wrecked
by and by
fatefully strange
resentfully driven
by sensual desire
addled as given time

Part 8

shameful terror
strapped upon
monster's backs
we've been shanghaied
blood creating
red streams
dreams flowing
as anaerobic green
harangued as monitored
trial corporate tokens played
orchestrating babble
incorporating rabble video
styled rhetoric
ballads and crying
what about sacred water
distressing ocean days
desperate nature
not being revered or saved
sea of swimmers
drinking slave champagne
basically something foreign
distastefully sour
plastic something
crowds devouring
every timeless track
towers of harmful politics
speaking charming words
offering gentle nuclear spring
unfettered fire summer
flooding showers uttered
falling into broken
bloody endless
atomic muttering

Part  9

crow abominable time
mind nominal hours
grind open
formal gates
normally cultivated
brutal war
broken command
lords and masters
ruefully demanding
mad and crazy zones
something disastrous
such contrite understanding
trite peace campaigns
remorsefully frightful
this time of war
insightfully resulting
in death moans
time giving
ransom taking
hands down awake
then waking
so time as universe
opening that third
peaceful illustrious eye
making curable clearer
that cosmic vision
illuminated with spectrum
exalted by halos
floating orbs
as night vision
amongst all
those shining
golden crowns
every holy revision
cosmic solar wind
generating awesome waves
revealing venerable truth

Part 10

time confessing
current messages
redressing fervent time
taking a bird's eye view
treasuring divine
measuring sacred space
calling out purity
echoing things
harmonic gleaming
pearls so ivory white
those images and drafts
seemingly my imagination
those angular
geometric shafts
seconds and degrees
lit by royal light
metalurgically alluding
to moil and magic
rafts of trumpeting swans
whoo whoo whooing
emanating sacred calls
relegating creation
strikingly majestic
imperially like eagles
such impressive
respective wing span
spanning guidance
gainfully progressing
universal soul
this irreversible thing
sensible sacred being
reverential as occupation
every spirit beneficial

Part 11

admit that
Godly place
so blessed
itself something
so Goddess time
expresses being
formal expression
god and goddess
Blessed Shiva
remain eternal
divinely refreshed
referred to in prayers
invoking infernal time
ultimately furnishing
life's living stage
final time
a universal goal

Part 12

divine seer
fiery sage
discernible gauge
all this life
those times
though through
long weeks
corrupting innocence
spilling blood
reticent months
mired deep
in deceptive mud
inceptive advantage
ruthlessly smeared
delivering both
foundless hope
with fateful hate
abstract paintings
searing poems
that dayspring
unfurling life

Part 13

every dawning age
surely intonation
incurring zones
strokes so tempting
our wanton moans
paint living colour
intone empathetic time
spinning universal stages
speaking as conversation
recitation scooped
sacred hoops
from some
deep well
liquid as verse
instruct compassion  
physical sin
where is time
ultimately living
compulsively dwelling
amongst variables
by sacred tools
burning words
turning sacred pages
drawing blessed water
purity from a sacred well
time announcing
somewhere in between
eternal brilliant heaven
and timeless infernal hell

               * * *

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