
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Spring! Genetic destiny creating me male!
Krek krek! Krek krek! Krek krek!
Reviewing Crake vocals, I'm known as Landrail,
Hear me calling! See my long Rail neck!

Migrating from Africa, such a long ways I've flown,
Shannon's blue ribbon, flowing o'er that grand Emerald Isle,
Some call me Corn Crake, chestnut plumage I've grown,
Departing, my relations head to Asia, north, along the blue Nile.

Back home in Ireland, exclaiming loudly, "I'm here!",
Hoping to heed, an echo, any answering cry!
Patiently resting! Day into night, sky starry and clear,
Calling! Calling! Hoping for some nesting reply!

Krek krek! Krek krek! Krek krek!
Waiting, listening, croaking krek even more,
Not knowing I'm the last Crake on this broken wreck,
Yes, I'm the final Corn Crake, landing on this far shore.

Yet I call and I call, feathered brethren, please hear,
Not knowing my brothers, they've disappeared from this land,
Night into day, nary Crake's rustle or call, standing long-legged, so austere,
Not one other Landrail, flown home here to Ireland, to nest by the sand.

Still this cool night, bright stars shine, twinkle above,
So still my heart, my calls urgent, pierced by my tongue,
So weep, Shannon River, where Crake's once nested with love,
Such joy is lost, last one of my kind, Rail song still unsung.

Was this God's prayer for us? A terminal plan?
Has creation ordered my species lost?
Extinction, written in heaven, or committed by man?
God's given Grace . . . what mortal sin . . . what ultimate cost?!

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