
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Monday, October 6, 2014

I composed the following entry this past February, thinking that perhaps we would have a poetry slam here in the village community hall (however that little slam, dunk, never came to fruition, boohoo, maybe some other time) before the cold drear of winter left us for cool damp spring. Hopefully some of you will find some humour (perhaps even a little chuckle) in the words and lines I have left here for you to enjoy. Cheers! - Joe Carrot in Argenta.

Thanks for coming out this evening,
Thanks for sharing your words with such caring,
Generous words that rose up to the ceiling,
With such feeling and such leavening,
We need words, and if we knead words,
Into loaves, that are baked, providing food,
Guiding goodness, adding cheer, phrased without fear,
For one and all to hear, and that can't be faked.
Thanks for coming out tonight,
Thanks for showing up,
with your smiles and your light heartedness,
though I must confess,
not withstanding,
not with stress or duress,
that I wondered, I pondered,
would anyone show up?
Could any person give up? Their evening?
Leaving - their warm fire?
A comfortable room?
Coming here, to partake and hear in this echoing tomb?
Where hearts are bared,
where naked souls - both fair - and gruesome -
perhaps even loathsome - like manure - added to the garden compost,
where most - household trash and wood stove ash - ends up these days.
But in the long run compost pays,
nourishing soil, void of strife -
cooking pathogens,
from hog and chicken pens - into something - like words into poems - that eventually encourage plants that roam - o'er once barren ground - where a joyous  sound, will be found  - with that fifty pound cabbage and thirty pound squash - so solidly round - and green!
Flourishing in abundance on this nourishing land,
providing food for our bodies - and souls - and like those rascally Bank Voles -
we'll rejoice when we munch that nourishing carrot - and potato - and beet - and then they're on the vine - that glorious red and ripe tomato,
well that just can't be beat!
So these words that we speak, garnished with such power and rhyme - over time - leave their mark - and one day some other ears will sharpen - and hearken - enlightened by glorious words that esteem - life's journey - and they'll dream -
and they'll dream.
Thanks for coming out tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again Thanks! Thanks for putting this one on! Shame the evening didn't materialize...Poet and Bard...........keep at your inspiration words and pictures, they warm the heart as Winter approaches here in the UK. Your poems bring Kaslo and Argenta close again...... Olwen's sister.