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Just Friends
You keep reminding me,
We're just friends,
Though I've said I love you,
But still,
Just friends,
I have no power,
No more than this,
Even though you've told me you love me too,
Your feelings are your own,
So all my love can do is surrender,
Reminding myself,
True love should mean so much more,
But here I am,
Feeling empty and alone,
Hanging off your sharp hook,
Dangling like a fish out of water,
Unable to untangle myself,
All these deep feelings,
Wishing love would wrap around your heart,
All these silly love things and desperate needs,
Still you are so far away,
And I am reminded once again,
That in your friendly way,
No matter how or what I say,
We remain forever,
So very far apart.

I don't see the use,
Wandering through all these markets and city parks,
Past all those bobbles and beads that are so obtuse,
Sparkly things we'll never have or ever hold,
Never afford because we are the living poor,
So what's the bloody use?
Torturing ourselves with fantasies,
All those things in life beyond our limited reach,
If only we could see unlimited light,
Even a dim glimmer winking at us,
Blinking from far down that wicked tunnel,
Where a vast myriad of lost things,
So many forgotten promises and other gold rings,
Lay littering the scuttled lee side,
Still we discover we are abstrusely marked,
Staring hard into that unrealistic void,
Then arise those feelings of want and need,
So much denied even when we're tormented by want and greed,
All those many desired things,
We'll never have or ever touch,
Because of circumstance elements simply out of reach,
So much we could learn from lessons compassion can teach,
Finding ourselves lost and alone,
Wringing our sorry hands in these difficult times,
Yearning for substance that will never come along,
Human desires like true friendship and honest love,
But for some nightmarish reason,
We find we're not good enough,
Not adequate enough in any season,
Not pretty or handsome enough,
Unsuccessful ones in this needy phony world,
So many wretched poor and neglected downcast,
Pitiable outcast things that make daily life unbearably tough,
Without an ounce of love or friendship,
What good can come of this terrible lonely crowded space?
Who would ever want to hold our hands or kiss our face?
It's so hard finally letting go,
Knowing everything is truly lost,
Realizing there's no way back,
No realistic or absolute out,
Plus such tragic personal cost,
There are no u-turns now,
Nor bridge or safe flight path to take,
A world of lost and lonely souls,
Centuries of messed up lives,
A universe of worthless hopes and dreams we make,
Shaking us to our inner human core,
There can be no more really,
Besides lonely homelessness and back alley death,
Forever ridiculed because of delinquent social norms,
I just don't see the use.
Threads attach me,
Sewing distant realms together,
Pulling needles with a thread,
Places hemmed by ardent love,
Knotting hearts with love affairs,
Unraveling love and other famous mysteries,
Like monks drinking nettle tea but who cares,
Love doesn't care,
About threads or hearts or splitting hairs,
Unraveled love with all its mismatched history,
Shredding hearts with all love's divergent mystery,
Feelings condemned in time because of loveless shame,
Knitting undone pieces into remnants and other erudite games,
Dexterous fingers painting showy flower petal art,
Love really doesn't care,
Choosing words choosing sides,
Love can't be trusted,
Love might not stay,
Choosing all that love might bring,
Secret love often hides away,
Love might be there or there or even there,
Revealing truth in that mosh of selfish ideas,
But still we stumble,
Fumbling through love's recurrent rooms,
Settings where love crowds an infamous pit,
Somewhere in love's deep ocean,
Pitted against a wandering sky,
Love might finally soar,
Or if luck would have it,
Dive deep to dangerous depths,
Skirting heaven and hell by and by,
So many love stories that love could tell,
Yet errant love grows wings,
A soaring eagle,
A flying fish,
Secure in those unknowable realms,
Love's rebel garments,
Adorned with scales and feathers and golden threads,
Beguiled love with all those patchwork things.
Falling and falling,
Careening over myself,
Plunging off the edge of the flat world,
Plummeting into precipitous blue,
Space slipping beneath my red yellow feet,
Tippling off this shifting shelf,
Sinking deeper into intoxicating love,
Calling love's magenta name,
Falling and falling,
Magnetic in this calling game,
Still falling and falling,
Just north of fragrant love,
Did I say I love you?
Distilled I'm falling,
Surely falling,
Falling just for you.

Far behind us,
Sensing something,
Far in front of us,
We glimpsed untouchable light,
But that forbidding wall,
Still cruel gulags,
Jails overburdened with broken men,
Screaming tortured souls,
Rancid war and horrid bombs,
Armies of bullets and infinite terror,
Oppressed behind iron curtains of savage razor wire,
Precious hopes and dreams,
Clean air and fresh streams to inherit,
Fertile land so family and kin can share it,
Weeping behind cold steel bars,
Dying bound in unforgiving chains,
Crushed by heartless tyrants and dictators,
Imprisoned and crucified in dank dungeons,
Boxed up by joyless slavery,
Subjugated by heartless servitude,
Shot to death in angry streets,
Beaten and strung up by the neck,
Beheaded and buried by tyranny,
Crushed under the weight of cruel strife,
Invented by poets and artists and anarchists,
All those dreams that children imagine,
Lost and found and lost again,
Genuine freedom tragically forgotten,
Stolen away by insane kings and inane presidents,
Robbed and betrayed by rabid corporations,
Unceremoniously burned in the street,
Incinerated by raging rulers and brutal barbarians,
Imagined but never really achieved,
Concocted but never truly realized,
Reserved by divine command,
Ultimately refined by big brother's almighty hand,
Raped and crucified under Roman laws,
Spat upon by greedy power and unjust social flaws,
Garroted and drowned in bottomless wells,
Infected and injected with abysmal terror,
Human rights stripped away by avarice and hate,
Suppressed resistance by the dragons of war and State,
Hunted to ground by destructive forces,
Trampled by heartless armies and cruel men,
Wishes myth and fables trade,
Hysterical forces in this desperate masquerade,
Love your neighbour,
As you love yourself.
What if love could drive a taxi?
Would precious miles and minutes go by faster?
Would love charge a fare for a trip to sample saki?
Or a rendezvous on the banksy train?
What if love would surrender,
Bow down in the transgressive rain,
Forgive excessive muddy carpet stains,
Relive memoirs garnishing a Persian interior,
What if love could whisk us back in time,
Relinquishing reticent rakish rhyme,
Once again two love birds meet,
Waffling between street and so sweet,
Embracing a long lost jungle crush,
Steamy love rising with all that crazy quilt heat,
Mending wounded patch-work souls,
Piecing together broken hearts,
Exposing token truth,
Extracted with passionate stardust,
And what about cherished rapture?
What about desire's unbridled lust?
What about enraptured love?
Capturing romance in that mixed up rush,
Ecstasy clasped to that exotic crush,
Exquisite love driving a luxurious handsome cab,
Pledging mysterious amour beside the charming sea,
What an engaging ride with jehu love that would be!
Why words?
All this alpha beta energy.
What about these pastel pictures?
Divinity's third eye,
Deep vision with inner sight,
God's deep well of intuition,
Yet this black and white world,
Disillusioned we are blinded,
Illuminated but still we do not see,
We are the walking deaf,
Van Gogh's relieved ear,
Carved relief on Beethoven's piano,
Heaven singing from that deep sea,
Chilled we balk and cannot hear,
Souls waiting to be reborn,
Stubborn innocence again in some fine frame,
Suffering creates this Salvadore Dali atmosphere,
Bleak storm clouds like black curtains,
Rescued from compelling Guernica,
Drawn across this empirical stage,
All these Picasso worlds tinting eternity,
Tempestuous obscurity manifesting rainbows,
Manuscripts of mortal light revealed,
Illustrated chapters bound,
Covered front to back and back to front,
Abiding each watercolor story,
Awash with tides of life and death,
A tinged reef of worldly evolution,
Ubiquitous periods of our lives,
Living stories only God could imagine.

When I was a boy,
I dreamed,
Worms crawling,
Hither nether,
Beneath that sleepy din,
Helter skelter,
Beneath my sleepy skin,
Manifesting past lives,
Lives that sweltered,
Decomposed by karma,
So dreams scrawled,
Recomposed by dharma,
Slithering scenes across that void,
Divinely I slept,
That human boy still inept,
But I grew tired so I crept,
Fledging from my dreamy nest I leapt,
So it seems,
Dreams have been fresh cream,
Bearing light and life beyond death,
Softened by my Angel's crystalline breath,
Slathering our skin with sun screen,
Guiding us safely across a perilous sea,
We've all been and seen that viscous scene,
Let me dream another arid place,
Where worms stop crawling under my skin,
Some wonderful place where sagging boobs firm up,
Dreaming our own beaches and oceans,
Stirring our own boiling pots,
Coming up with strange notions,
Arriving in desperate desolate lots,
Where love rushes forward to rescue us,
Father assuring us we are saved,
"Quiet son do not fuss",
Quiet prayers with mother before I sleep,
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take,
Dreams remind us that we are divinely called,
Sleep well and dream on innocent children,
Dream sacred through the rending night,
Yet sunrise refuses to be stalled,
Dream into the endless day,
Dream past lives,
Your blessed soul so lovingly strives,
All our divine dreams past lives make,
Fragrant dreams ripening life,
Sweet fruit for our precious soul's sake.
Certain Lunacy
Icing sugar love,
Blame it on powdered jelly donuts,
Permission granted by delectable dessert,
A sugary tome of lost love sonnets,
Jumbled about in monstrous craters,
Stowed away on the crusty moon,
Certain lunacy making me crazy,
So many love and death tenets,
All that courage cougar love demands,
I'm just beside my continental self right now,
No shadow or earthly direction left in this deft dream,
Surrendering I wake in some deep chasm,
Sacrificed upon a blood soaked altar,
Butchered flesh and bone it seems,
Artfully exposed and reposed,
Lying naked in my Angel's arms,
Quietly shrieking in quaking spasms,
Recitations in that wreaking morgue,
Hovering I see that I am cut up,
Chopped and chunked into bits,
Shadows left by the butcher's scalpel,
Atonement marking each deep slice,
My cold lovelorn corpse laid out,
Wrapped in sterile words and loveless lines,
Set adrift like some banished novel,
At sea upon a Viking ocean of doubt,
Parting legendary waves,
Jormungandr rises from his mythic cave,
Bearing resplendent mortal masks,
Disguising an attendant rave,
Affirmations intended and rated,
Magnetite scaled relationships plated,
That's the affirmed deal,
That's the complicated real steal.
Lead bullets that killed me,
Gouged out of my proud flesh,
Intimacy probing unceremoniously,
Why don't you,
Why can't you,
Just fall hopelessly,
Another hollowpoint bullet in love's steely chamber,
Crazy in love with bullets,
Just like bullets me,
So madly spun around by you,
All these Russian roulette games,
True love surely reeling from the very same,
Ceremonious spinning,
Whirling out of that curled chamber,
Sealing our rifled fate,
Stuffing lamentable cracks and blazes,
Linen phrases flowing with silky letters,
Wadded into surreptitious bullet holes,
Restrained by so many bullet hole fetters.
If only for wounded love,
Passion stumbling as we fall,
Lightyears of heartbeats stall,
Darling love nipped us in the bud,
Daring one another like we should,
Perhaps we would heal each other,
If only we could,
What we want,
Even with this truth and dare,
We're not getting,
Love playing hide and seek,
What we need,
We're regretting,
Old Hags hapless spells,
Conjured in dark hopeless tombs,
Loveless vampires casting wasteland shadows,
Lightning bolts conspiring in eerie graveyards,
Illuminating striking apparitions,
Shocking ghouls and ghosts,
Kissing those longing dead,
Lost spirits forlorn and wailing dread,
High pitched screams piercing the crippled dark,
Drunk lamplighters creeping into that nebulous park,
Pathfinders barking time and direction,
Timeminders striking that timely connection,
Percussive assaults along that flinty grain,
Glowing sparks tumble like fiery rain,
Down those time soaked advent lanes.
Translucent shards of obsidian,
Carving prehistoric questions,
Cutting to the empirical chase,
Who smiles at the moment of love's death?
Does reborn love come singing through tangled thorny brambles?
Glorious miraculously emerges,
Pearly butterflies preen new moist wings,
Dragonflies spell adoration,
Love splurge enchanting maturing cocoons,
Buffoons bring rhymes to chiming bells,
Ringing through mountain dells again,
I know I'm crazy,
Restating all this wingeing,
Allowing typhoons to storm my foolish heart,
Yet you recite mad love again,
Tempestuous love still swooning,
You know I adore all your sweet and tender parts,
Love confuses me playing with my hopeless heart,
Love sheds its reptile skin on this rainforest journey,
Stealth slithering down this damp jungle path,
Chameleon love stays concealed,
Hidden love begins that amazon start.
Twirling is such an intimate dance,
Swirling senseless,
Partnered with some torrid tango,
Chivalrous love still boasts,
Settled beneath an impertinent moon,
Love sidles up to a romancing pair once again,
Hosting another four-legged showmance,
Amphibious love perfectly right,
Reality seeming to knock again,
But you're so far away,
For the life of me I can't reach you,
Lost in the trendy twilight,
Rushing wildly into roaring surf,
Awash with jellyfish madness,
Be strong,
Charge boldly,
Exorcise all your sadness,
Kisses unfold,
These tender dreams,
Seemingly chasing us,
Sweet love seemingly,
Wanting us to embrace.
Your gentle voice,
My obsessive heart swoons,
Uncaged lunacy in the dark night,
Sparkling love unlocked throughout the galaxy,
Red Giants dreaming Nova Blues,
Closing my green eyes,
I'm a deep well lying next to you,
Mirroring your reflection in a perfect light,
Beautiful tresses shine,
Love's shimmering locks,
Intimacy captured by your alluring eyes,
Revealing strands of virtuous love,
Fragments of purity,
All your shy remarks,
Destiny descending into deep canyons,
Fate hand in hand with blameless love,
Ascending rugged mountains,
Prophetic glaciers chilling our crystal souls,
Bury us deep beneath thick polar ice,
Chaste dreams of emancipated Eden,
Ancient fantasies in that virgin light,
Chastity could never suffice,
All this love we play with,
Just a roll of the dice,
Just a simple roll of simple dice.
Reckless smoldering intimacy,
Fuming like a dying fire,
Smoking love swirling over rough terrain,
Switching hands with ambidextrous reality,
Twitching love always comes back,
Teasing my weary eyes,
Still I fail to see,
Beyond that distant moraine,
Selfishness signing contracts,
Aligned with the fraudulent devil,
Rabid love barks wildly around the same old tree,
Love seems justly spaced now in this unjust row,
Still somehow precious dittos,
Love takes up more of this heady place,
Grounded on some sound and steady level,
We bravely open ourselves to one another,
Remove our paper mache masks and gilded armour,
Expose gaping wounds and angry scars,
Finding we've dangerously failed time,
Falling in lovesick pieces,
Resembling disjointed puzzles,
Volatile fragments closing in on incendiary Alpha you see,
While cool Beta runs flagrantly away with our flaming hearts,
Corrupt fiery love flaming,
Fueled by infallible substance,
Inspired by blazing starlight love transpires,
Whisking hearts away in whirlwind romance,
Wobbling half insane through confused days,
So much troubled love,
Focused on mystery,
So many tales of reticent passion,
Delicious shuffling through my impassioned mind,
Focused on those enigmatic roots and seeds I find.
Cracked eggs by the dozen,
Albums and albumen separated,
Plopped into this albumin melange,
One ova after another,
Ruptured then whipped,
Stiff meringue,
Folded in fond angel food fashion,
Apostles speak in tongues late at night,
Your long distance recipes intoxicate me,
Love ingredients stirred into liquor love,
Dreamy cake and delectable icecream.
Apart I just can't think straight,
I know you weep,
Confined in your kitchen cell,
Remanded by that mission bell,
Chilled by icy nakedness,
Wrapped up inside your dicey self,
Yearning outwardly for a chef to cook with,
Some pastry chef to prepare apple crisp with,
But here you are,
Cooing again,
Crying over some broken part,
Lamenting your wounded bleeding heart,
Asphyxiated by this obstructed love,
Choked blue until we can't breathe or think,
Passion aching deep within us,
Sous chef stifling that strangling sensation.
Sharing kisses with two sweet lips,
Ardent love forces me to my knees,
Such whitehot action,
Until we split apart at the seams,
Relishing the thought of you,
My imagination wrapped around,
Your heart strings pulling me closer,
This marionette performance romancing thee,
Your delicate charms have rescued me,
Saviour love liberating entangled fishermen,
Relinquishing passion sailing o'er a reckless sea,
Navigating with another blinding vision,
Satisfied by some other meagre ration,
A perilous journey navigating that raging sea,
Brave lovers lured by impatient love,
Gentle fingers caressing soft lips,
Gallant galaxies plum full of delicate stars,
My warm hands welcome on your glowing hips,
Ambrosia deliciously served in our ravenous minds,
Hungry love tracing kisses until we sigh and sigh,
Smiling love graciously nigh,
Poems written on our happy glowing faces.
Thoughtless travelers confused by the twist,
Lighthouse beaming,
Guiding wistful sailors,
Wisped cross the merciless sea,
Through the moonless night,
Amazed by love's unholy tempest,
Fraught with so much painful derision,
Two beating hearts colliding,
Captured and corralled by feral love,
Entwined by twisting jungle vines,
Tumbling through this miscreant wild space,
Your amazon smile distracts me,
Paintings tinted with corrupt love,
Rivers of tainted pain,
Rantings we surely must endure,
So many dishonoured love contracts,
Disrupted contrasts shadowed by so much din,
Buried beneath our secret files,
Mired deep within ourselves,
We interrupt love no matter how it's been.
Howling mobs roiling outside the city gates,
Walking dead boiling,
No amount of love will cure,
Unearthing zombies with their biased vision,
Shortsighted love lacking principled decisions,
Illuminated by a sacred light,
Love leaves us wandering,
Drifting through time just like the legend said,
Lost souls just out of love's true light,
So many unfortunate walking dead,
Blood and dread on this uncertain flight.
I'm crazy now, I've finally been driven mad me,
Certain lunacy chasing moonstruck dreams of you,
Mad men stealing our starry nights away,
Love has stolen you from me,
You're so far away in that distant dark,
Harkening to the colour of love,
I'm still calling you,
Pursuing love's forgiveness,
Pure vibration and harmony somehow,
Waves of hapless hope now,
Praying alchemists forge some golden spell.
Waking in another cruel terror,
Realizing I'm fatally wounded,
Diamonds and rubies,
All the riches from King Solomon's mine,
Golden calves nor golden seal,
A crucible of molten love,
Nothing can reshape my shiftless heart,
Each time I hear your voice,
Sense you reaching out,
Such a gifted voice,
Such a daring choice,
Riftless love reels over our passionate story,
I wonder about all this insanity,
What about God's glory?
Recklessly tossing love to the wind,
Uncertain substance keeping us far apart,
Why are we so afraid?
Falling in dreadful love,
Fearing our worst,
Dangerous us tearing innocent love apart.
Waking again,
I'm blinking,
Realizing I still need you,
Compressed firmly into my pressed lifestyle,
Each sunrise finds me searching for truth,
Even with all these horizontal trials,
Tribulation wanders vertically,
Frowning along a glittering ocean beach,
Impressive concessions discover that befitted reach,
Rip tides keep us floundering at the start,
Gripping us with all our flailing sorrows,
Textures strip us with that unforgiving undertow,
Lowing sadly where bottomless boundaries part,
Swift currents of loveless strife,
Marking that binding breach.
Again I dream of kaleidoscopic you,
Romance at the end of the rainbow,
I just can't ever seem to reach,
Blinded by that blaze of vivid colour,
Love's spectre tainted by constraint,
Glittering stars framed with restraint,
A litany of souls,
Some never ever attain,
Love searching for enticing refreshment,
Pure water spouts freely from love's deep spring,
Delphi's Oracle could not command a more blessed refrain,
Just the same,
Just the same,
Standing erect and naked,
Chilled by a cold October rain,
Love commanding my heart,
Love demanding my heart,
My soul my everything,
Quivering I'm on quaking knees,
Altruistic love will never understand,
All this lovesick desire,
All this lovesick fire.
You come to me yet again,
Close in that esoteric realm,
I might have kissed you,
But an enamoured wind blew us apart,
That wicked stream tossing us piecemeal,
Throwing us into the salad spinner again,
Grazing love's only other known universe,
Parallel moons shining like refined mirrors,
While divine love adores the blessed sun,
Love lost in that discombobulated place,
Chaos wrung out along strung out lightyears,
Far beyond love's eternal place,
Peace is done,
So love has gone.
This is where we meet destiny,
Face to face,
Love abiding fearless success,
Fate urging us down a summer path,
Shy love hiding,
Glimpsing the shimmering light,
Our simmering souls reflecting,
Mirroring another adventurous universe,
Where equal love abides,
A distant galaxy where rebel love resides.
Sensing you on the incoming tide,
Far off shore still in deep water,
Yet I feel your strong heart beat,
Towering waves break over this ragged reef,
Crashing into tiny fragments,
All this bashed love,
Some great and resistant grief,
Defiled love cries,
Love dreaming again,
Yet again I sigh,
Still I can't kiss you,
Mountains still keep us apart,
Flamboyant hearts want love to be true,
Blazing sunsets stipple opulent clouds,
Pastel shrouds obscure love's remnant view,
Cruel love gnaws at our bleeding hearts,
Finally we surrender to love's passion,
Tattoo your name on my ashen soul,
Ruthless remarks left by love,
Remarkable lines inked in celestial fashion.
If only I could reach across the miles,
Draw you into my quadrivium world,
Where life resembles quadratic rock and roll,
Night falls gripping my heavy heart,
Your kisses on another lover's lips,
I know you don't dream of me,
Falling helpless through that incessant dark,
I reach out for blind hope,
Love might guide us,
Love might cope,
Waking joyful and there you'll be,
Smiling faces in some brilliant light,
Dancing cloaked in each others loving arms,
Abruptly comes that close regent call,
Tripping over this flat earth ledge,
Fledging together falling into love's deep crevasse,
Captured once again by love's sweet charms.
Sister moon whispers poetry,
Spurning our burning hearts,
Yearning love,
Without learning to love,
Man shall never pass,
Love lies desperately hidden,
Frozen rime so remorsefully inert,
Lost in that deep unforgiving glacial mass,
Like all those times we wept together,
Love hovering with us,
Love in an angel disguise,
Opening our teary eyes again,
Clearly rising we finally see,
Caught up in this raging vortex of change,
Imprisoned by swirling thoughts,
Cyclone love so wickedly strange,
Light and dark reversed and revised,
A roiling reckless phase change,
Mighty storms with all that tragic fraught,
Deeply wrought by all love's guise and range.
Love is out there,
Venus tells us so,
Follow your hearts and go,
Our hearts lie to us though,
We can't trust ourselves here,
A sunlit path that's clear,
True love contending to be a part,
Pretending time,
Something besides a concept lost,
Lava flows engulf what was,
Solidifying that temporal cost,
Love by sacred degrees,
Flowing molten through dodgy arteries,
Beneath the broken crust what is and was,
Love coursing like blood,
Staining our continental memories.
Edge of the abrupt world appears,
Flat Earth's oceans spilling onto strange tiers,
Consuming fire charring our emotional existence,
Extant this fiery world orbits around a distinguished sun,
Rumbling into some unknown distinguished future,
Cradling hope in our hearts,
Extinguishing long lasting lies,
Breaking and burying so many painful ties,
Cherishing love and joy in this new deep universe,
Changing memory with all its prophetic verse,
What do I do about you?
Dreaming milk and honey dreams,
Sweet bread and fresh cream,
Your loving moonlight ways,
Smiling at the very sound of you,
A rounding chorus under the hopeful sun.
Maybe true love is out there,
Marauding with gangs of untamed hearts,
Love recruiting souls with its jungle roar,
Like a wild pride of savage lions mating,
Illuminated by bright burning orbs,
Proud love's resounding roars,
Holding high love's rebounding parts,
Perhaps lovequakes can mend our hearts,
Heal wounded hearts around the bleeding world,
Yet remind compassionate love about this flat earth,
Remembering flat love is always pounded apart.
So I find I'm beside myself again,
Dismayed by all these iodide mists,
Betrayed in time that iodine tears defame,
Allayed by red love's ardent gist,
Searching for a pardoning realm,
Where hardened blue kisses start,
Pondering through this tragic azure desert,
Wondering where dry notions part,
Distracted by arid emotion's measure,
Shining eyes reflecting Mona Lisa art,
Radiant hair distracting like a golden treasure,
Caressing slender emerald shoulders,
You steal my topaz breath away,
Diamonds leave me balancing precariously,
Walking Karma's perilous ruby edge,
Perhaps I'll forego the coming orgy,
Grow trendy soaring wings,
Jump off this slanted moonstruck ledge,
Fly away to some enlightened land,
Fractured love cracks fragile hearts,
Honest belief in a 'friends only' pledge,
Mysterious love fords that rushing river,
On a far shore a new trend,
Letting friends walk hand in hand.
I have no fear of dying alone,
Life fixed me firmly to this lonely perch,
Squawking for parrot passion,
Seeking compassionate friends,
Waking myself each ornate day,
Compassion has wrapped me up,
Lingering sorrow has tripped me up,
Stalking me each dark night,
Trapping intrinsic love,
Caged in so many tragic ways,
Needing love each and every day,
Love holds suffering hearts captive,
Musty and forlorn stowed low upon a dusty shelf,
If only trust could break these sordid chains,
If only love would come and stay,
Love stares at me with its blurry view,
Tears obscure love's vision every day.
I know you'll never sing these blues,
Never want or need me too,
Not the way I hoped you could be true,
Least ways not the love I want from you.
Love defeats us,
Love is never generous in any way,
Love leads us down the garden path,
Wicked love feeds us poisoned apples too,
Stars will always shine without the sun,
Flowers shall bloom once we're gone,
Your temperate blooming life,
All that flowering jungle growth,
From your garden gate I watch you,
Knowing I'm not the one,
I'm not the one you love,
I know I'm not the one.
If only we could be together one more day,
Embrace sunsets while dusk falls,
If only love would beck and call,
You and I at a summer ball,
Together for just one hour of joy and glory,
One last perfumed kiss before midnight falls,
But here I am again dreaming this glass slipper story,
Dreaming deeper and inviting good,
Off we dance into an enchanted wood,
Magic snowflakes lightly falling,
Gentle songs fill the blessed air with mystic good,
Solitude gently compresses us,
Lively Sprites express their forest myth,
Impressive fables emerge where legends stand,
Sagas delivered and purely understood,
Far beyond accepting accepted truth,
Mystique futures unlike the murky past,
Flagrant clouds refract a tract of mystical light,
Obscuring the failing moon in its peccadillo stride,
Drawing a curtain on a different cast and ride,
Revealing true love's storied pride,
Misconception finally cut and dried,
My obfuscated feelings exposed at last.
There is a ringing in my head now,
All those songs and poems,
A dyslexic world has clumped words together,
Now we jump up onto a new stage,
Stars invite you to take a long deep bow,
So you perform this show,
Bending slow,
Extending your sacred glow,
You broke that mythic spell,
Forever doesn't exist anymore,
Love has finally died,
Stirred by all that spoken truth,
No apologies necessary,
No more mystic lore,
Delicious nods seductively to us,
Beckoning from love's pantry door,
Weeping over spilt milk,
Swept up like stale crackers and crumbs,
Over pale time sour milk convinces us,
Nay! comes the cry,
So much more!
Tears implore us,
Learn to cook you lousy bums!
Finally waking in some other dream,
Enjoying another placid sunny afternoon,
Jasmine tea from India,
Oranges from Seville,
Citrus scenting this perfumed room,
Clucking time away with Vera Miles and Maryjane,
Once again a Mad Hatter beckons,
Reckoning and calling my name,
Some storied future down his fabled rabbithole,
Tumbling the world into some phantasmagorical maze,
Stumbling down some flowering fantasy garden lane,
Gitchigoomie rails hailing the bastard Windigo,
Walla walla bing bang off he goes stalking souls,
Yaba daba do twisting the sacred around,
Anchoring shameful love to the frozen ground,
Permafrost love in those consecrated northern woods,
Shy orbs rise out of the hallowed forest duff,
Eminem freestyles Usher with his gritty tough,
Urban street lights cypher the nitty through inky shadows,
Carving out all that city rough,
Dark alleys prescribe this gruff lunacy,
Imbibing madness with a dozen grains of salt,
A dram of love intoxicating my briny soul,
Orion stalks the hunting ground again,
Cleaving beating hearts with mortal blows,
Sounding out love's portal syllables,
Tenable words boasting love's crunch,
Launching all love's punching parts,
Proposing love as art,
Creating a whole gallery of love,
Filling some great void,
Emptiness dipped in chocolate,
Daybreak finds me,
Just another lonely old soldier,
Back from the Peloponnesian wars,
Discharged like burned out unwanted stars,
Tired Privateers on their own admissions,
Watching helpless from across the admonished sea,
Bitter Athens blasting civil love to bits,
Witness Sparta with its bold goal,
Unearthing Mediterranean foundations,
Beneath my hermetic apostolic soul.
Still I have survived somehow,
Helen of Troy bled love to death,
Dungeons imprison rash love now,
Yet when I pause for a reckless moment,
Turn and peel back love's tender skin,
Tear open proud flesh,
Reveal love's tone and sorrow,
There lie Paris and Menalaus,
Abreast of Agamemnon,
Such a heady dream of lust,
Passion appeared to love,
Appealing to a tender inner core,
So we see there is more in store,
Love peace and adore more,
Love is the key,
Peace opens doors.
All that caustic love where lust scored,
Exotic blissful space we all sometimes adore,
Living colourful ribald dreams,
One gushing orgasm to the next,
Extraordinary places where love croons,
Sighing love swooning,
Hot loads of lasting liquid sex,
Knowing when it's time to surrender,
Recognizing love's Banshee scream,
Realizing jellybeans and caviar don't mix,
One love definitely the sweeter trick,
Clouds composing heady poetry,
Wandering headless across the dancing sky,
Cumulus love rises headlong t'wards the naked sun,
Smothered in raw desert honey,
Slathered in thick sweet cream,
Still fiery love nor hot buttered rum can tame us,
Strife strikes but can't stifle us,
Forgive us dear love,
All our distilled pop dreams,
Flagons of rap wine and poetry free peaches,
Mercilessly choking love's sacred tree,
Ripe incarnate plum tree love,
Grapes plucked from divine vines,
Delectable fruit falling,
Subliminal fate from high above,
Metaphorically smothering breakable you,
All your distant wine into grapes love,
Metaphysically crushing broken me.