There are no straight lines in space
A plethora of eternal curves
Everything in its own plane
What a loveless marriage
Striving for the upper hand
One curve ball after another
Another deceptive parallelogram
We'll never see that far around the bend
Featuring inceptive curves
All those blind corners
All those drive-by's and fly-by's
One projectile's plan
Swerving when we can
Correctable lines
One straight path here
A strand of sandy beach
A crumbling road there
Speculatively roaming each curve
Deliberate Rome always in the centre
Discovering the world and the senate aren't flat
Poems and curves and the legislated universe
No straight lines bordering this worthy riddle
We're piddling away crooked time
Exponentially each rook goes
Expounding along some unfounded circle
Every sound thing revolving
Striving to curve away from resistance
Elevated sunsets
Relevant moonrises
Orbits around the full circle
Each spectral spiral
Every expectant vortex
Beyond imaginary straight lines
Mixtures of glub assets
Politics are inevitable
Cream swirling to the latte top
Galaxies of rich toppings
Viral contamination of the archaic and old
So many verbal clouds and stumbling blocks
All those mysterious neutron stars and abnormal black holes
Everything revolving around the same shrouded center
Circling one reflective universe into the next
Never the same impressive scene
Seeming to cogitate and change forever
All these curved lines
So many rigid pledges
We're doting along that arc of the world
Curvature of the edgeless earth
Smashed pumpkins along a country road
Scattering something seeds
From ditch to ditch
Glaciers arcing side to side
A multitude of blocks and arches
That magical place where life itself starts
Like a marvelous macrocosm of word and light
Marking points along each articulated arc
Gravity and some vermicular warp
Then another sharp atomic curve
Brilliant rings around the brightest star
Illuminating creation within each mighty coil
Deviating to the worldly left
Spirals and twists and existent elbows
Dodging to the fantastic right
Exhibiting a nebula of rainbow arches
Radiance and every far reaching ray of light
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