
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2021


age of change
inventive covid-19
morph stage now
I feel beaten
some how
I'm not yet deranged
all this smoke
myriads of political mirrors
existential life
gears on planet earth
right down to the extreme
I try not to live in fear
endure this murky period
we are subjects
serials of viral exchange
such a high end world
we've gone walkabout
waking in this slurry of fables
trekking we seek some way out
wondering if there is respite
turning atomic tables
enable atmospheric starvation
certification of unstable species
current desertification
spoiling every trying sea
this ocean of covid
changing the world
stirring climate change
rearranging this blurry world
surely we ponder the best
unknown outcomes
cryptic revelations
what yet is to come
no doubt
we want sweet ripe plums
but we've changed the world
radiant conflagration some how
now the world is changing us
where did these variant dreams come from
scary new parameters
harried crisscrossing
navigating this arrogant dream world
making us wander the planet
wondering what to do
if we wondrously survive
forever infamous now
this famous age
an earthbound novelty somehow
covid-19 roundly changing this world
back in profound 1945
recall that blistering sound
fission and atomic bombs
changing that new world back then
yet that old question remains
modern dot coms
is our blind human desire
a sign of humanity gone insane
or like the raging sun
will we wake up some morning
completely atomic someday
exist in some other array
in some spiritual way
where some future nature
will scream further proof
that seemly Godhead stature
reveals universal truth
these stages of creative change
resulting in evolutionary features
revolutionary creatures
that earth wouldn't give
revolted by this impossible exchange
some couldn't live
keeping paradise aloof
still the oppressors oppress
truly deranged in this atomic age
while covid keeps us weeping and caged
both creeps and underlings
as with the surety of stars
purity seeps away
thus the insecure moon
permanently sleeps
reverently blinks out
one can't help but wonder
if there is any other zenith way
or is structural change
in cultural walkabout
what it's all about

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