deepest darkest
does harmony
celebrate soul
next to beauty
feasting together
on top
on the tallest mountain
what crying songs
do you sing
or are you
before falling asleep
what about waking
finding your earthly life
marvelously on fire
stumble and fall again
into humble ashes
but sleep well
triumphant tonight
carnal knowledge
will be found
such a sweet float
orange crush and ice cream
cake served slowly
melting glaciers
flooding oceans
a nest of twigs and limbs
some precarious mountain ledge
each carved sunrise
a pledge of unreserved love
craving illumination
each deep dark well
screaming for light
what if sordid life
were just a lonely dream
such stark realities
would they ever
be worth keeping
everything it seems
has its cruelties
try setting yourself free
without setting yourself
on fire
every charmed path
has its
a's b's and c's
maybe this convict life
is just conflicted math
couplets of two's and three's
or some other forceful truth
a delirious equation
adding up to something
like the summation of heaven
with sins and lies
bound and tied up
until each reveals
some profound truth
high strangeness
discovering meridians and equators
forging mystical golden rings
surging waves of cosmic reality
converging in equitable meditation
emerging under the Bodhi tree
all that remarkable gravity
learning to ingeniously fly
we shan't understand
how could we ever
grasp cave mentality
without the ribald monk
donning handspun shrouds
the vast holy sky
consecrating tyrant clouds
lastly divine seeds
inviting universal creation
bowing down and worshiping
living breathing sacred trees
Earth's affinity for trinity
fulfilling God's divine needs
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