
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Sunday, June 23, 2024


so this is performance
living life
best one can be
hair-dos and make-up
maybe even
golden buzzers
maybe life's a cut-up
when you break
enough hearts
when you break-up
finding yourself
made-up and exposed
standing out
riding wild horses
remorseless morals
both day and night
toasting and dancing
on some twisting stage
foremost reposed
so easily squeezed
by one and all
those that see
pleasing freedom
aroused beginnings
now and how
proud performance
down to somehow
each great closing
so much more
core worth
storied sometimes
like one great romance
moving me
relieving melancholy
deep down
hearing harmony
mindful memories
keeping melody
delicate words  
what sweet delicious brings
tears to my eyes
sometimes contra
indication pairing indignation
nearing superstition
subtly hidden
somewhere within a crowd
beneath fasting and tasting
lasting sin remains
chastened perhaps
passing lust and shadows
until we're finally done
peaceful at each station
chanting mantra
judgement comes around
push that golden buzzer
play that wild jazz
you're rock and roll
or a talking head instead
on the whole
you've got rhythm
a transcendent voice
you've got blues
perhaps more
high vibration
more rational
fashionable choice
long before you're dead
resplendent moves
ascendance to heaven
attendant harmony
proven true
what perfection
muse and woven performance
audience applause
let that show
you're overtly true
urgently pushing
covert love
so much heart
rushing through
each true blue soul
rapturous everyone
captured for inclusion
you and me
though sometimes
laughter then sorrow
sometimes gloom
fearing tomorrow
more darkcraft
looming dread
daunting drafts
making everyone
cringe and cry
emotionally shy
every haunting performance
irreverently gone badly
what would be
stark and unwelcome
sneers and jeers
quite remarkably
some spectacular point
when is it
all right with smiles
rowdy cheers
actual crowds
loud approving
great performance
could be
me or you
sometimes affirmation
blessed magical
mystical manifestation
sometimes historic reformation
formal regeneration
seers of prophetic dreams
a living performance
fortunately it seems
fortitude and tune
really can be true
extraordinary living
toss inordinate runes
boss performance  
truly can be
both me and you

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Friday, June 21, 2024


insanity yeah
wistful us
twisted yeah
lusty tangles
jingle jangles
rusty rectangles
resembling society's boxes
trusted corporate angles
so many stolen lives
disassembled structures
fractured humanity
restructuring nature
assembling triangles
insist thusly
holygrams out of instagrams
meditate nativity
plane passage
mediate with open palms
an equatorial message
spiritual planetary balm
interpolating right angles
reframing rays of sunshine
defamed by degrees
criminal design
aged by lost weekends
undeniably objectified
society's host to sunstorms
such tangled institutions
so many lonely streets
medicated than infused
drug induced
some loud carnival
evidence of utter confusion
worst midway ride ever
described by hurled words
including vomit
a world of shattered allies
utterly collapsed
down wonder alley
trapped and captured
nestled with enraptured
hordes pondering
this very end
trying to ascend
like every captive
transcendence even rapture
actual daily infractions
prisoners shackled by lords
storied crack and fentanyl
self-proclaimed attraction
facets of broken
infected needles
restricted blades
hidden knives
wandering haphazard
scribing reactionary
wanton is spoken
ascribed in paragraphs
reactions to street
infractions of atomic thunder
fractiles of fascism
scattering zion and atoms
dividing animal schism
sheep and hopeless lives  
genomes into subspecies
homeless racism
gutters full of those
abstract faces
distorted action
once performed
twice deformed
didactic cataclysm
context cynicism
strangled pieces
passionate turds and feces
those demon segments
even angelic infractions
strangely brewing
road kill tea
mainly stewing
thin soup
no fat or regal bone
nor shred of legal meat
every prophetic step
reflective and replete
angels dancing with demons
cruel contradictions
fueling further friction
defined fractions
designing exits
mindfully insisting
refined medicine
disinclined living
defined as lives
unkindly misconstrued
keep in mind
frightful nightmares
still rightfully
who ever knew
who truly cares
disproving terkel and edison
reticent energetic communication
relations grooved by irrelevance
moved by relevant consummation
elephants for electricity
not just for eccentric profit
elevated toxic medicine
consuming revelation
resume rivers and streams
fueling selfish oceans
resume social insanity
russian roulette
instill cruel depravity
seas crowned by poverty
fueling drowning  
prescribed by desire
fueled by daily fires
human need
back alley reservoirs
speed and deadly stares
readily feeding
needy main street
curb tribes and clans
colonizing rude jungle
meaning urban population
crude opulent city
reflecting subdued hues
redirecting shadows
operation splice and dice
mission denying defiance
disciplinary entreats
missionaries armed with defeatist plans
serving bread and blood
from carved-up streets
replete with pity
every drug deal
brands from false prophets
regaling deranged gods
insanity's strange science
failing mindful habitation
habitual consternation
feeding cryptic cockroaches
ritual homelessness
pacing with stray dogs
a mystic city plan
some mystery mug
frug reference
broken homeless woman
streetlife isn't preference
broken homeless man

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Sunday, June 16, 2024


spiders and snakes
all those
great white sharks
cruising every sea
all those vicious
deadly parts
trolls and prevalent fakes
soul beware
nymph and siren song
you and me
entreat togetherness
yet all this frightful
all this shouting
facing doubt
eyeing yet another
what will more
darkness bring
what if
we drown
floundering in nothingness
would an abstinent sea
give life back
resistant me
down on earth
back here
urgently convergent
I'm eating
stewed rhubarb
virgin turf
ultimately growing
crudely competing
sowing herbs
gathering images
fruit and glowing blossoms
beauty that's replete
blue sky truly
superb towering
flowering raspberry canes
unruly clouds
stylish reality
those natural refrains
blowing snow
blazing sun
howling wind
torrential rain
empirical thought
calm before each storm
staunch justice
justly etched
upon my
trussed up face
I've been distraught
chased and stranded
branded fodder
stuck in tawdry webs
ostentatiously lost
brashly dismissed
some nocturnal
being obvious
self reliance
though I'm unsure
of what I'm seeing
though I'm unclear
of what I'm being
even though
I'm not immune
I've been caught
hissed at by snakes
somehow knowing
spider bliss
all those
deep dark seas
ocean currents swirling
around and around
ocular life
secular emotion
roundly  twirling
this is what
remarkable life
we sink
stay afloat
even swim
of life
heady chasms
hapless need
deep water
bottomless fathoms
our want
of sleep
all those
waking dreams
by snakes
priority ladders
simple agony
making time
simply things
beyond reason
vicious bites
from adders
by pythons
by vipers
but then
rings of pleasure
appeasing measures
we shed
scaly skins
sour cream
sweetened with honey
minding music
finding new songs
from a favourite band
insist on massage
existing laughter
blending joy
some sacred
oil message
shedding old skin
all that angst
we're in
resident snakes
lay still
stay coiled
serpents display
royal dreams
tread carefully
dread nightmares
venom it seems
spoils every sea
try hard to swim
pray not to sink
I'm blinking
subliminal vision
just try
to escape
sly derision
great white shark
steely defiance
silently revealing
tragic water lies
spoken liquid guile
dictator's peaceful pleas
a traitor's conscience
wicked tokens
a great white
smile and grin
drink in
oceans of truth
jin revealed
by spiders
such is life
relying on snakes
all this finagling
enabling belief
challenged by strife
breaking order
still rife imposition
unbalanced disorder
stifling enlightened revelation
as if life
were surely
purely based
on light and sound
merely trace
this human race
worldly elevation
this skin we're in
a sacred space
birds of paradise
like lost prophets
a lofty host
of living saints and stars
toasting surrendered lives
those chosen
sucking nectar
vectors of ego
motions of boasting
luckless sectors
shedding broken hearts
soulful emotion
what's left
detailing feelings
out of soulful jungle
right from a waterfall start

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