so this is where we live
where rivers run with blood
this is where we've gone
from where megaliths
once boldly stood
when sunset finally ends
that last ray of blessed light
disappearing from our lives
we'll realize we weren't right
maybe as oceans forever rise
flooding each and every shore
our clever dreams
will no longer
be severely faulty
or unrepentantly disguised
as each brilliant star goes out
signaling more universal cries
you know incorruptible God
has once again ruptured
letting all his demons out
knowing we have failed
creating our own dire hell
those dogs of total war
are running completely loose
chaos is what we see
eternal danger is what we smell
no matter now infernally hard
we all might pray
no matter what
we now might ultimately choose
everything we thought we knew
is wrought and done now
everything we bought and know
will soon be gone now
somehow God will keep
his universe separate
from what we think and do
somehow out there
there still should be
God's blessed sacred cow
when all your skin
simply sloughs away
when your disbelieving eyes
go completely dim
what a sight it will be
as we all writhe and scream
careening into mythical grim
conclusively falling over
permanent hell's delicious rim
into that malicious scene
where destructive fire
justifiably completes us
terminating once and for all
our historic gall
and inceptive cheat
surrounded with our careless sin
because of what
we've deceptively done
because of where
we've always been
* * *
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