
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Saturday, November 2, 2024


our ruminating minds
enjoying linear
that intrinsic
employing lines
a geometric grind
some inner kind
though naturally
actually egocentric
but not completely blind
our diametric beings
investing in cubes
yet scribing circles
still we rely
on revolving
on spinning rectangles
what about evolving
ancient woman/man
lying by a roasting fire
chewing bits of this
that fresh bloody zebra
hunters vying for flesh
high caloric
that central part of umbra
everyone cloaked
in furry animal attire
always in and out
no cave door
those prehistoric
hallowed cave lives
stories about meandering
clans to tribes
Neanderthal intuition
constitutional wandering
that nomadic tradition
traditional angles
restitution pandering
more than romantic arcs
sometimes stark mind
that human ark condition
creating looming triangles
groomed objects
become objectives
kayaks carved by ulu
sometimes seasonal
grazing into starving
becomes earthy
stalwart art
tipis drug by dogsled
sometimes muggled words
there's always that
walrus tusk part
becoming hopeless
those musk ox
even ivory dreams
once so savory
is all we've got
circles into boxes
or so it seems
storied hand prints
laborious imprints
on stony Uluru
enchanted moans
glorious chants
from that ancient centre
taking a sacred stance
painting earth tones
living eccentric songlines
scribing sentient zones
so are we more
than wandering artists
justly squarely set
as geometric minds
or is this hectic
daily terror
a being question
are we more
than some
questionable error
harried into nothing
that is all
perhaps we are
some crazy tiger fare
yet this current faze
our human session
being thought creation
perhaps wrought intuition
or merely imagination
so unsurely
who we are
why does
my third eye
see that
feathered bird half
a cellular measure
of who we are
one first thought
simple human desire
too second thought
our tired being
sometimes viewed
as too screwed up
population so disassembled
resembling cursed
yet truly thankful
when reassembled
submersed in duly being
just rehearsing alive
sometimes subscribing
trying cursive
in kind thinking
too something
as mind derives
yet something intuition
computing both
truth and lies
institutional moods
that human kind
gladly finding spirit
purely existential lives
sometimes residential
still sadly thinking
surely tap and die
soundly tinkering
with new found threads
roundly living squarely
within verily
we truly find
some grand design
every vying thinking kind
sometimes emotional and crying
sometimes stinking and irrational
sometimes actually very bad
still humanly mad about
our illuminating
anthropomorphic mind

              * * *

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