
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Thursday, December 3, 2015


Ga ga ma, ala ma ga ma,
Oyo, me gama gayma, oba ga,
Cee, cee, me da ma tha,
Oy toe, moy toe, ga ma ta da.

Be leep, do leep, tu quai, so quai,
Boo ga ma, de boo ga ma, indi may,
Bex, do y da, lex, tex, bo di tay,
Zin baga, haga, lo dee fay.

Zhin mao, geff sta lay ho,
Bin tao, deff bay da go,
Ob scew, zhi gew, in gaw,
Sob tew, be dew, on faw.

Loba, ex, so ex, me do bah sha,
Hoba dee, vin loga dee, en sta,
Oh mani, mani om, nyet, nyet, oh dome,
Vet rune, so sune, di moon, di offa tome.

Zyet neffa, genna neffa, bee na neffa,
Orn fao, moo gao, en zi nee reffa,
Bon too, hawn too, geffa nee, sto.
Wha by gee dah, zin zet gee da, la mo.

Zebba, vie inga dona,
Tebba, zie minga hona,
Zo tet, ro met, in ti na mo,
Bo jhet, un kret, en mi na fo!

1 comment:

JoeC said...

Dada, in response to the horrors of World War I a literary and artistic movement, in the sense of non-literary, non-artistic, non-movement, began in Zurich, Switzerland in 1916. With 16 million dead in that tragic war Dada made it's way into cultural circles in Europe and the U.S. with nonsensical themes, sometimes guttural sounds, imaginary and invented words. Posted Dada is my guttural response to the violence and war that inundates our present world on a daily basis. Dada as in Gaga, as in 'let's dress up and pretend the world is a peaceful, wonderfully perfect, place'.