
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

November's done, a lonely sum of Gitchigumie's tears,
Full Hunter moon beamed bright, frosty nights arrived,
Earnest winter now, shrouded by those snowdrift fears,
Shrewdly forsaking mosaic autumn, so readily contrived,
Fragile snowflakes dance and tumble, in this polar season,
Big antlered bucks, fat with summer wealth and felt,
Delighting senses, imploring arctic wintry reason,
Entreating starry nights, visions encompassed by Orion's belt,
Come winter's icy spirit, welcome Gitchigumie's winter season.

Sleepy cold, garnishing hearty hospitality, content by one's glowing fire,
December, still richly sleek with winter fat, drivers pelted by a salty splat,
Roaring snow plow trucks, compound winter parking, with snow attire,
Relish warmth near one's happy hearth, toasting St. Nick in his pompom hat.
Stellar tracks 'cross northern skies, wave so long to autumn's falling reason,
Far to the south saguaro stand statuesque, armed in prickly desert guise,
Orchestral horns trumpet winter rhymes, far to the frozen north,
Shun all thoughts of thirst and hunger, though arid desert lies,
Beneath a placid sea of circling stars, portend destiny for all life's worth,
Goodbye to November's drear and gray,
Wave farewell to autumn's falling reason,
Perfect snow staged for this December play,
Welcome now, Gitchigumie's winter season.
Bright shining stars, oh how God's majestic cosmos makes us feel,
Blessed forest spirit, dreaming Turtle Island's snow covered lakes,
Drifting silent through the universe, true north gripped by winter steel,
Abreast of Gitchigumie's blazing heart, akin with winter's snowy flakes.

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