
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016


I dreamed a dream,
A party theme,
But no cake and ice cream,
No sweet dessert,
No fancy drinks,
No sexy flirt,
As thunder clapped,
Rain poured down,
Twixt a crowd of smiles,
Not a single frown.

I dreamed a dream,
No cake, nor ice cream,
No honeyed dessert,
Still, a crowd of smiles,
Not one frown,
As thunder clapped,
Wicked rain poured down,
O'er those party games,
O'er that just dessert,
O'er those happy claims,
O'er all that silent hurt.

I dreamed a dream,
No sweet dessert,
Crowds that smile,
Not a single flirt,
All that deceitful guile,
All those party games,
All that thunder clapping,
Midst those gala claims.

So much want,
So much need,
Infinite sorrows,
In this time of gaunt,
Indefinite tomorrows,
In this spell of strife,
In this age, effects so uncertain,
Seek meaning for one's life,
Veiled by midnight's curtain,
Secret words murmured oft,
Spoken in my ear,
Riddles whispered soft,
One holds them dear.

Love's sweet garden,
Nurtured in my heart,
Tow'ring waves dashing,
Those Eden dreams apart,
Spectres rise from timeless graves,
Dream morning dew, a perfect drop,
Wounded time, thus surely braves,
A withered blossom, with a withered top,
Gentle gestures, caress the night away,
While perfumed dreams, flutter spent,
O'er that party crowd, that seldom stray,
Purloining heartfelt love, dreams they rent,
With cake and ice cream, upon their lips,
As thunder clapped, 'tween their sordid quips.


Olwen's sister said...

Yes....I like this one.....conjures up good images. Thank you.

JoeC said...

Thanks Lorna. Nothing quite like a party, with cake and ice cream. :)