I human
Two arms two legs
One body
One head
Naked I
Barren of physical tools
Am I
In affect
But a whimsical fool
Egg came first
In this great exudation
Nothing more
Just a six legged insect
Personal pupation
On this someday play
Some bit of magic
We will all hatch
One day
Unfurl butterfly wings
Frittered by and by
Such a shortened lifestyle
Amongst other spells
Embellished things
Born to live
A brief moment
In time
Flutter from stamen to stamen
For a while
Perhaps all things
Shall hatch someday
A whirring
Dragon fly
Flapping by
A stinging wasp
Warrior on the sly
A coiled asp
Venom on this surreal day
An exoskeleton
Or some extra-terrestrial guy
Human me
Arms and legs
Body and mind
Clothed I
Sharpening tools
Implements for my possibles bag
Relevant I
Blatant I
Hunter gatherer
Successful I
Tools sustain me
Intelligent I
Crafting spear and bow and arrows
Just like mischievous fire
Contained by me
A rare breed
Rarely I go hungry
Satisfying empty bellies
Feeding hungry flames
Gratified by a sacred rift
Awash in this ratified precious life
Savoury herbs cure my cooking
Medicine spouts from this good earth
Keeping the world healthy and strong
Roasting meat
Such a wealth and pleasure to eat
A welcome breath by my fire
Favouring my laurel cave
Wreathed I breathe
Secure and warm
Cave lion grumbling
Cave bear rumbling
Cave man speaking
Cave paintings talk to me
My brave moccasins walk with me
I'm stalked by old tracks
Those ancient imprints
Walking along
Down this earthly path
Maintained with my slave teepee
Siwash me
Alert and brave and strong
Wakan Tanka
Everything alright
Red Cloud I
Nothing wrong
Sitting Bull I
Veritable harmony
Yanked by lurking paint pot sprites
Awarding bright earth tone names
Red Yellow Feet I
Human walk about
Where there is no retreat
We and I repeatedly
Nature's replete stand
Making true life complete
Let us be
We and I
Teepee life on great western plains
Riding bareback I
Astride my painted pony
Cool pure water
Purity springing from Earth I
Once a vast I sea
Flooding this great plain
Stereo I
So many Horse I cultures
Typical I
Continent to continent
Warriors with raised shields
Strapping on armour
Degraded bone and stone
Traditional obsidian and flint
Recast into bronze
Compounding tin
Forging iron blades
Some gaze at an older ancient memory
Persistent dreams
Those the seasoned ones spoke about
Resistant legions of dark horsemen
Delivering death blows
Resistant regions around the world
Kings devouring land
Soldiers raging
Splitting skulls
Spilling innocent blood
Grilled by reticent lust
Guzzling fruitless wine
Gluttony devoured by greed
Becoming a majesty of excessive wealth
Kings and Queens
Regal pomp and pageantry
Plums and peaches
Tempestuous Lords and Masters
Silk and gemstones
Hording all the jeweled crowns
Cloistered in bombastic towers
Granting security from their cruel castles
Regaled bloody flags
Marching off
Another great war
Hardened invasive countries
Smothering far-off shires and counties
Scarred people falling to the left
Human I
Marred and plummeting
Pummeled on the adjacent right
Driven over the grueling edge
Legitimate peace
Sledgehammered into oblivion
Marching is a grievous nature
Legions laying siege
Forced creeping ahead
Peeping down every street
Remorseful people still reaping
Depending on fire
Detained and rendered over centuries
Demented by all those megaton blasts
Canons crassly roared
Remote belching and sudden death
Trails of smoke exhaled
Frail life
Filched away
Guilty blunderbuss and musket
Shredding every social fabric
Invading neighbourhood dreams
Gold molded this ornate culture
Stealth and future legions
Emboldened by unforgiving standards
Further remissive decisions
So many dismissive Presidents and Kings
Eventually dissed
Resentfully missed
Deceitful princes overthrow the family crown
Such deceptive egomania
Turgid events and megalomania
Terrified by parliamentary placement
Facing public replacement
The ruddy King's headless corpse
A bloody block where there is no remorse
Remarkable justice is tackled
Embarking on fully shackling the world
Partial votes win the impartial day
All in favour with the King's men
Partisan and party member say aye
All the riches remain in the tower
Gold sovereigns always win the hour
Most often a seemingly flowery but truly dour situation
All those cowardly lions
All those luckless peasants
Mucking life out of this sour world
Corruption becomes the constitution
Fucking armies killing demonized enemies
Fucked up mercenaries battling muck-a-muck incendiaries
Stuck up politicians selling truck loads of Gatling guns
Rattling politicians cages and idiotologies
Gathering ideological conscripts
Like cattle to the slaughter
Everything salvo under the sun wants to tattle
Claiming a salvaged bath and calming sleep
Drenched in balms and psalms
French perfume and rich saffron
Everything everywhere ravaged by fire
Savage systems are refueled
First mules and camels and horses
Then everything blowing steam
Inventing horse power
Gas and methane
Propane and plutonium
Explosions heard around the globe
Building robust armies
Gilded by internal combustion
Unreturnably mechanized and mobilized
Adhered plying killing machines
Recurrent bombs and bullets
Broken bodies and lives
Token bullets and bombs
Guernica remembers
Tribal women and their bleeding wombs
Reduced to bits by witless landmines
Blown to smithereens
Witnessed by cultures
Reduced to corpses
Tossed into open pits
Those more fortunate
Hurried away to secluded tombs
Extermination stuns every population
War comes like an annual rain
Dream I
My regaled cave
An alien place
Long time gone
Where hatred and loathing
Occupied neither nook or cranny
Master hunters became tribal masters
Shamans drum chanting
Entranced and decanted
Balm and medicine people
Freedom and fairness
Alive at the core of subsistence
One for all and all for one existence
Dying alongside three musketeers
It seems dreams
Some forgotten insistence
Still seams of coal
Still reams of toxic oil
Buckets of uranium and cesium
Seizing hard fuel for the future
Treasonous landing craft
All those unreasonable rockets
Ruling smart bombs
Pressurizing the embalmed earth
Extending tragic arms
Expendable technology that harms
Extension becoming the atmosphere
Retentive data banks
Fat money banks
More ratatatat bombs
Rank bullets and skank tanks
Frank war and crank corruption
Making us all quiver
Delivered by every stank attack
Shivering together
Everyone huddled in some future cold
A muddled futuristic nuclear winter
Beat life sweats
Sweetness under the blazing sun
Street life with its constant duress
But still some shade
Crave I
I in my rave cave
Alone I
Earth spirits wander
Calling I
Brave Human I souls
Wondering what prayers I might have spoken
Pondering inhuman destruction
What if I
Hopeful I
What if God I
Could see us now
Dope metamorphosis
Some become butterflies
Seeking nectar
Reaching out to sweetness
Fluttering through life
Buttered by serene beauty
Flattering parasitic wasps
Depositing ratified eggs
Terrifying some unfortunate host
Most privileged name in a garish city
Where false news is delivered and boasting
Ghost words mostly
Devouring victims with no remorse
Just what should be tomorrow's curse?
Pardon life with boorish springs?
More casualties and constant strife?
If we could not speak
Did not see through human eyes
If we could not strike
Flint and steel to make fire
What colour would the wind be?
What songs would the world sing?
We and I
Speaking about survival
All needy
Everyday history
Reminding us
We've come from the same cave
A mysterious place of optimism
Copulation and compassion
Hand prints and ancient mysteries
A Master painting
Spells cast upon every sacred wall
Faded blooms and gloomy faith cannot save us
New values in these changing forums
Ignore the real urgency
It's only a survival call
Keeping busy
Updating a profitable world
Still taking trophies
Those elite few
Shrouded in their neglectful glory
Arrogance and leaders
Forgetting that peace opens doors
Still it seems
Sorry climate change
Our degraded world grieves
Snow falling on dreams
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