
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Saturday, April 17, 2021


that first day
when we reached out
picking ripe fruit
at home in Eden
we ate and filled ourselves
oblivious of God
then that serpent hissed
sweet fruit became bitter
seeking reference
we sank to a different depth
some unexpected tsunami
Eden lay wasted
deep oceans
became a sea of neglect
orphaned we struggled
when we woke again
after some great flood
all of us
stared in utter awe
worshiping great pyramids
rising towards the unknown sky
when night came again
we all fell
into a great pit
plagues stripped us
of our humanity
war after war
pierced our hearts
our souls were crushed
time after time
seeking sustenance
wanting reverence
we discovered God
buried beneath our bloodied hopes
rising within our tepid dreams
once in a lifetime
once we boiled over
epidemics came to visit
soon the oceans dried up
seas disappeared
ships of variant design
oppressed our cousins
raids on every coast
finally trading godliness
beheading the world
when the stars refused to shine
black hearts rose from every grave
our world became a jungle
full of prowling tigers and relentless snakes
soon we had to hide in between walls
hidden from the world
hiding from oppression
holocausts and certain death
while love was gassed and shot
after the world burned
trust was buried next to hope
trying to breathe
no one recovered
soon crisis came again
pandemonium shook us to the core
while asteroids flew dangerously by
pandemics gripped the world
all things evolved
revolving around myth
inventing more mythology
Medusa watched from Hades
wracked with barren grief
Adolphus wept acid tears
each day the noose tightens
strangling the world
we can't breathe
choking on all our shit
apocalypse after apocalypse
rending the world
back to fire and brimstone
lava erupting like fiery deep thought
perhaps as the poles shift again
ice caps with slip from those great rocks
God will wake
taking a breath
crucify creation
nailing all that is
to a great wall of nothingness
heaven itself will be transformed
crossed by madness
bridging the river Styx
Hades welcoming all those dead and dying
if we dream
perhaps there can be hope
if we pray
lightning may take away our fear
if we dance
this upended world may not end
before the new morning comes

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