
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Saturday, June 4, 2022


if love
but then
that ocean between us
my heart
but still
your soul
this romantic commotion
and yet
your heart
my soul
some connection
far out in space
somewhere truth
past crab nebuli
where we first met
a swirl of delicious light
love energy
God laughing with us
while we picnicked
delight and relishing
star ripened peaches
delicious cosmic cream
swimming in that heat
filled with sultry plums
savouring sweet sweat
so many candied kisses
a chaos of sparks
encouraging that burning
each excited yearning breath
that palpitating love
such a sudden storm
a romantic invitation
writhing in orgasm
one after another
reciting exotic poems
singing tender songs
romancing passionate love
clearly erotic vision
one after another
but then
summer turns to winter
snow keeps lovers apart
winter ice
frozen jungle love
when the flood came
a sudden flush again
I almost drowned
finally some dry land
a tiny island
far out at sea
saving grace of God
but everything
saltwater crocs
nothing ever
great white sharks
was the same again
broken I'm crawling
over incremental years
instrumental searching
for some sentimental oasis
an arid desert place
beyond detrimental chaos
feasting on sweet dates
where compassion lives
bathed by empathy and shadows
dignity under majestic palms
a perfect shelter
beneath a sweltering sun
quench my quantum thirst
slake never ending desire
first pure water
sacred from a divine spring
still love remains buried
secreted away
under remote hills and  dunes
hidden down under
beneath pathetic tortured ruins
supreme time hurried me
I let the wind carry me
impure without you
from ledge to insecure ledge
as a sign
an aerie kestrel nest
finally privilege
I felt at home
it seemed jagged time
grinding eccentric life
honed each ragged edge
shimmering concentric dreams
minding one for you
so far across that feral sea
finding another with less strife
curdled milk and honeyed cream
which suited the monk in me
a careless hermit dream
fool sentimental love
please set me free
cruel nightmare love
please let me be

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