
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Monday, September 19, 2022


foot prints
in the sand
like star tracks
across the sky
Oh! Brahmaputra
lovely lotus flower
perfume around the earth
what hurt and regret
does the sacred sun have
Oh! blissful moon
tragedy never escapes you
still by fate you orbit
if you were Emperor
commanding oceans
demanding love from hearts
would each moon beam
be some trickle of faith
could every eclipse
be a function of destiny
on each biblical morning
when we typically find
icecaps being defeated
should we truly discover
all the oceans have died and failed
when all our food stocks
have rotted and are depleted
when contorted civilization stinks
when everything that exists seems conceited
will all those flushing tracks we leave
crushing bugs and stepping on ants
what kind of thugs are we
maybe lack of water will clear our minds
perhaps acid rain will sequester our progress
let us wonder if starvation can infuse enlightenment
while confusion keeps us at war
battling with our incessant selves
regressing with our planet
folk tales could cure all this
love songs could help us make a positive shift
what about all our fears and tears
what about finally shifting gears
revision through our rear-view mirrors
reviewing justice and integral dreams
seeing life through spiritual eyes
one chant and mantra after another
prayers from every sacred cave
if prayers are heard will we be saved
so this metamorphosis
this glaciated kind
a recipe from dinosaurs into birds
confusing our viral nature
perhaps some intelligent stature
will suitably revere flocks and herds
natural food for our godhead mind
such a pity this final reality
finial cementing over spiral jungles
concrete thoughts into vinyl deserts
we keep polluting rivers
insist on depleting oceans
this rank atmosphere
creating rampant plagues
begetting destructive war
leaving us lost and homeless
forgetting all those forgotten poor
abusing innocence and children
enslaving voiceless women
shackling broken men
another token mass extinction
even spiritual degradation
cannot match our demon worship
our insipid greed
our blatant hate
our raging anger
all our human lust and disharmony
banking on dysfunctional politics
elevating elected bandits and gangs
such gruesome torture
delegating every misguided society
corrupting true religion
amassing broken hearts
imprisoning our wretched souls
as if we are playing our sacred part
as if we are masters of the lawful universe
as if we are gods right from the thoughtful start
leaving footprints in coarse sand
like we are the artist and not the art

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