
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Friday, February 14, 2025


life has so many
hard parts to it
right from those
painful beginnings
being squeezed out
of our mother's birth canal
at that point in time
life isn't fitting us
like that warm fluid womb
or mother's soft vaginal glove
we really don't see or understand
at that juncture in life
we only truly yearn and feel
for our mother's warm and tender love
all those harmful times
as kids and youngsters
accidental falling down
incidental bruising knees
getting those small cuts
being deeply scratched
by sharp things and other flaws
like your kitty cat's prickly claws
then we have to endure
those hard times that hatched
growing up unsure
going to school
where other kids
other youngsters sure
might push us around
tease us
pull our hair
then we cry
as a momentary cure
then we wonder why
so much hurt out there
suddenly those teenage years
when we begin to discover
that opposite sex
that puberty thing
can we ever recover
shackled with all those crazy fears
so immaculately confusing
so heartbreaking at times
stacked up with hormones raging
teenage hearts breaking
young minds racing
trying to figure things out
trying to find out who we are
what we are
how we fit in
when at times we sin
how we don't
life is hard
but life has its sweet
in those magical hours
those sweetest of dreams
then all those hurt feelings
times when our pride is wounded
if we get through all that
without giving up
without giving in
without becoming dumbfounded
maybe we find the courage
to carry on with life
carrying all that baggage
along with misguided steerage
as muddled young adults
climbing saddle backed mountains
discovering wondrous things
falling into addled love
again so much hurt and pain
falling out of fad and love
at times so many torrential tears
maybe we find that soul mate
or we settle for someone
we might be able to live with
making long term plans
hoping for some very best
those long time wishes
those heartfelt dreams
though it often seems
wishy-washy life is difficult
life is hard and trying
we try and try
sometimes we cry and cry
maybe we end up all alone
no loving partner
no making that loving family
suddenly after our testy thirties
we wake up in our distressing forties
some of us suddenly panic
realizing life is passing us by
life is some whirlwind
we never truly expected
or ever foolishly wanted
life might taunt us
making us ghoulishly feel
things that make us wonder why
things that make us too often cry
still most of us continue to try
try and try and try
into our trying fifties
those after mid-life years
when saturated reality sets in
when things become so damn real
we might start seeing some difficult end
we might begin wishing
we had lived something completely different
in our listing sixties
old age begins creeping in
things are shifting and aching
our bodies begin complaining
what now old girl and guy
things are definitely sagging
deary me and my oh my
our brains might begin lagging
maybe we drank too much
perhaps we smoked up all those years
what if things had been different
what if our dreams had come true
suddenly we turn seventy
what a shock that can be
if you haven't done
what you thought you might
what you imagined you would
your life can become a little twisted
your view of days and nights
can become undone
finally if we're amongst those lucky few
we might reach into eighty
when old age has taken hold
robbed our shaking lives
with so some hurt and pain
right out of that constant black and blue
looking around you
what did you do
why can God be so cruel
still we might go on
some wake up in their nineties
perhaps because we prayed to some deity
maybe prayers mean nothing
what if God doesn't exist
what if life has no meaning
maybe by that elephant age
having grown big ears and long nose
we've seen some divine light
feeling decrepit having broken that one long tooth
each slow step and constant struggle
even breathing can be hard
especially if we've consumed
too much refined sugar and deep fried lard
at that elderly age
we likely look around
seeing all that senseless youth
relentlessly bouncing up and down
maybe it looks degrading
maybe it seems rather uncouth
learning lessons we learned too
but in our ancient nineties
most of our friends are gone
we inevitably end up with so very few
when we still manage to dream
even about all those magic things
as we continue to live
our sometimes tragic lives
but still somehow
this frantic world turns
pathic days arrive
transforming into telepathic night
just like on this mystical planet
where magic seeds sprout and grow
where untold measures of flowers bloom
where treasured winds sometimes blow
life is and has a long and varied list
of excessive trial and garrulous error
challenges and tears
we must try to overcome
so many nightmares and fears
who knows how or what
perilous life will be
sometimes a complete disaster
sometimes for those lucky ones
we get through plucky life
feeling like all those cards we were dealt
might be considered really good
maybe life was administered
as something almost fair
maybe on our last day
we'll see that dark side
revealing the other side of sister moon
maybe on our final other day
we'll understand what in lovely life
had been for us honest few
all those menial things
that had been good for us
even certainly meaningful
and advantageously true

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