so that hanged man
that number four
from one to ten
reckless as it may seem
redacted if that plan is met
yet sincerity strung up
hanging between sanctified stars
revealing some sacred curtain
dancing between planets
some synchronous holy string
that hanging man thing
connecting truant earth
to rumbling Jupiter
directed by fiery Mars
we grumble too much
fumbling through this universe
eventually that hanged man
will devour all those numbers
then fall asleep forever
in some blessed systematic slumber
like a lamb of God
nestled beside its godly mother
in that heavenly meadow
where sweet grass
caressing healing herbs
are truly laid out
for pastoral measure
where sweet dreams
content with God's love
freshened with glorious water
where eternity comes
to show itself
so at least
across those sacred seas
that upside down
storied hanged man
invoking number four
will and willing
that is what
he finally sees
* * *
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