on that last day
when glaciers
have melted
when rivers
have burst
eroded banks
on that last day
those fluid things
where we discover
walking on water
when every stick
blessed incense
triumphantly has burned
diminished to ash
embracing self-immolation
rising sacred smoke
above every tree
that has fallen
finally resting
on sacred ground
on that last day
when every ocean
roars with laughter
when every sea
cries salty tears
full of contempt
finding redemption
beyond our fears
on that last day
when all our dreams
contemptuous and redemptive
blissfully perish
notions disappeared
where every child
fails in time
avails every wayside
on that last day
regaled sister moon
decides her lunacy
is an only option
when mother sun
refuses to shine
declines to rise
leaving us
with no advice
light is neither yours
such blessedness
rightly neither mine
on that last day
when God comes
insightfully reminding us
that love lost
is a fatal cost
Shiva has died
a reflective cost
Jesus replied
simply because
every previous day
we amply failed
refused to give
life enlightened
God's Holy cause
on that final day
we shall pause
finally find
awareness is creation
boundless nature
sacredness within divination
on that last day
chop wood
carry water
being enlightened
chop wood
carry water
on that final day
shed all expectation
simply meditation
so fulfill creation's
holy destination
on that last day
when we're dancing
on our own
on that final day
when lights go down
where we finally arrive
back at home
* * *
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