
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Frank languid lesson thou dost serve,
Impatient heaven where angels tread,
A warriors blade born with fatal curve,
Flung from cliffs where poems are read.

Oh divergent moon! So bright when thou art full,
A diver's realm sunk in trenches deep,
Wrench heartfelt passion, a violent pull,
As embroiled lovers battle salubrious sleep.

Whence calving glaciers hug the sea,
Trudging armies, spent, foiled in the dell,
Like that human touch from you to me,
Purloined by fate and doomed to hell.

Such tender kisses from thy sweet Venus lips,
Sordid chains of glory, wrapped, tightly bound,
Divorced from courage, Aphrodite's perfect hips,
Scarred by love, that Amour once found.

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