
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Monday, December 21, 2020


I can't help
but wonder
if birds in Russia
only tweet and sing
Russian ballads and songs
I've heard
Australian birds
chanting and warbling
rounds of Australian songs
waltzing Mathilda
throughout the outback
black mixed with white
daring Magpies
reciting darling Kookaburra stories
bequeathed with strong wills
beneath strong scented
eucalyptus trees
over vast China
do magic dragons
overtly roost and sing
among the soaring tops
of Himalayan peaks
reciting Tao poetry
smatterings of Mao
spattered acutely
graffiti on a great wall
rafts of smoke and fire
from sleepless volcanoes
ringing the Pacific ring of fire
do Atlantic Salmon
speak garbled Atlantean
or must they
only burgle
salty talk
a gnarled language
sunken ships
prescribed comments
inscribing Titanic moments
beneath the deep cold sea
then the Long-eared owl
comes to rest
like a prophet
outside your window
when it speaks
Coptic rhymes
will carpenter ants
build your astral coffin
outside the Gulf of Carpentaria
will masticating termites
be determined enough
to chew the world to tiny bits
if brown recluse spiders
weren't necrotic hermits
would they travel the world
spinning webs and agnostic tales
about reducing ocean sails
emotional trade winds coming out
I can't help
but wonder
if every languid river
tangibly reminded
what water spells
used to be
every single drop
from their sacred source
finally remarking
how salty
every sea
I can't help brine
or ponder
if the cosine wind
will hypothetically figure
each angular hypotenuse
reveal mathematical truth
honestly and clearly
logic in the sheer blue sky
or does perpendicular nature
articulately want to be
particularly silent
if sedimentary rock
would speak openly
like copious orators
defining igneous characters
metamorphosing on stage
utter prose into our able ears
enable and open
under the harmonious sun
so we might
finally hear and see
how right things
really are
how unentangled things
should tangibly really be

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