
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Thursday, December 24, 2020


It's the night before Christmas
all around this living globe
people are praying
people are searching for hope
those bright stars in the sky
astronomers are saying
magnificent Jupiter and Saturn
they keep twisting and turning
they tell us no lies
a conjunction of planets
this great convergence of yearning
reminds us how life always vies
to brighten our existence
to help us all realize
this divine world is relative
where all our given relatives
have lived and still live
good God has truly blessed us
and there's more that God will give
if we keep our hearts and minds open
if we keep striving for the honest truth
we'll find peace and joy shall find us
love in this world will help us all cope
those billions of twinkling stars in vast heaven
are harbingers of how all these earthly things
exist midst all this glorious celestial fuss
every Christmas marks Julian's calendar
sharing so many good things life brings
those Christmas Carols folk sing
all those niveous winter rhymes
we're all learning at times
all that yearning we feel
even Christmas magic
can be resplendently real

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