
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2022


in my madness
I've discovered my insanity
wild animals
have ripped me apart
the sun
has incinerated my soul
deep oceans
have drowned all my dreams
there is no feeling
residing in my heart and mind
only persistent numbness
collectively thumbing
through each tomorrow
each time I wake
I see stars in heaven
silently falling to the ground
all the planets in the universe
madly circling Jupiter and Mars
when the emotional earth quakes
when volcanoes shiver and shake
lava fills my throat
so I can't speak words
only erupt with molten sounds
if ruptured God wakes
speaks to me in tongues
I'll overtly surrender
yield and bow down
embrace every earthly sorrow
acquiesce on bended knee
I'll look up to thee
knowing your saviour heart
brings demolition to the world
when things dissipate and fly apart
I'll watch every mountain fall
effectively every sound I make
will say it all
every vision my third eye sees
will summon predictable angels
accompanied by that sacred chorus
those prophetic winged creatures
will arrive asserting it all
speak alpha uttering omega
rearrange this planet's features
all that shall survive
accepting this errant madness
will be a sacred spring
that is the canonizing finial thing
corrective divinity will lastly bring

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