
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2023


on the hazy horizon
a crazed Angel of death
rising before our very eyes
what prayer must be said
when that last lazy day arrives
when everything just stops
sudden revelation followed by incineration
like cumulative self-immolation
assume churches and mosques and temples
scorched and burned alive by that Angel
angry death raising its fatal fist
there is no immediate consolation
tearing all the life from Mother Earth
peeling us all like a Rosicrucian onion
revealing each and every weeping layer
as if appealing for restitution from God
if Creator God truly cared
this Angel would not be here nor there
if our Creator held to some human creed
all that is sacred would be shared
replacing hatred and terminal greed
if another holocaust wasn't so near
would shallow prayers truly be heard
what hollow prayers would even be said
if credence be truly given
perhaps truth would become clear
but hatred and greed are alive
living and breathing together
evil revelatory with one overwhelming cheer
like a fire breathing dragon
so disruption remains fixed here
rigid corruption at the very head
incorrigible bravery will not matter
instead fortitude and faith will be dead
for that forthright Angel of death
holds fire in those ethereal hands
behold those esoteric prophets
listening to those heretic criers
shouting voluminous warnings
culminating in fire and thunder
booming over so many entombed lands
when the gates of looming hell
are so arrogantly flung open
so surreal fantasy land
comes bearing fruition
tuition for wrack and ruin
unlike fruition of some wonderland
so many hoped for
but still some grand fairy tale
illuminated as if fairy tales
mirrored real life
instead real scary tales
reflecting all those entail
as that luminescent Angel of death
arrives wielding divinity's killing knife
stripping away arrogance and stolen wealth
with outright power and unimaginable stealth

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