Comes the rising sun,
So we rise,
Greeting the new day,
Welcoming a new spring,
With the rising sap,
Freshening a new earth,
So we rise,
Like a rising morning mist,
Fresh with new thoughts,
Welcoming a new season,
We rise,
Singing praises to God,
We rise like the rising sap,
Imagining a new dawn,
Rising out of the east,
Investing in new thoughts,
Rising like fresh new growth,
Out of the freshening earth,
And we rise,
Refreshed by the rising sun,
Exhilarated by a new season,
Welcoming each fresh spring breeze,
Rising out of the land and sea,
Inventing new creation,
Out of our intentional minds,
We rise with each heartbeat,
We rise embracing each grand spring,
As the rising morning sun,
Touches us with all its goodness,
Kisses us awake with all that splendid radiance,
We rise,
Celebrating new life,
So God hears our goodly prayers,
Rising out of the winter din,
We rise and find this world we're in,
Rises anew to meet the growing day,
Raising ample spirit and charitable soul,
Applauding life so the very sacred stays,
We rise from winter's barren slumber,
Visualizing divinity's sacred goal,
We rise with each forgiving spring,
Marked by Earth's good umber,
We rise with the warming dawn and generous sap,
Ushered by a wondrous chorus of spring birds that sing.
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