
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Sunday, December 19, 2021


what if
we departed
from war and destruction
what if
we replaced pollution and corruption
with creative compassion
made love and happiness
our most important institutions
what if
we imparted
great wisdom with every healing transition
making our planet
a blessed garden with a sacred mission
where sharing and caring
became our most impressive distraction
what if
we swept away all the sin plaguing this earth
replaced treachery and nightmares
with enlightenment and dreams of great worth
what if
we took all those bullets and bombs
reshaped them with beautiful poems
replaced them with awesome music and joyful songs
what if
this world that we live in
became a galactic orb filled with brilliance
where everything living
lives a life of excellence and resilience
do you think God would be happy
if our world could be marvelously different
would our universal neighbours
think of us as sacredly significant
what if
all these storms we have created
could be supplanted with rays of perfect light
instead of these horrid moments that we have all hated
if there is a heaven
or a God that truly cares
shouldn't we seek genuine truth
open our minds to what is really there
if we could all see
far into that vast universe of space
perhaps we'd finally find and understand
that our planet is a supremely special place
a planet that needs and requires balance
this earth is wanting that
if we truly sought perfection
we'd find we could become
a more enlightened human race
what if
we opened our minds
our hearts and our third eyes
revealing our souls
trusting each other
forever being kind
if we all lived our lives
recognizing we are all sisters and brothers
if we ceased demonizing others
then this world we are hovering in
could be wondrously nurturing
instead of being hurtful
and unremittingly being smothering

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