
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2022



after the war
there is always
that fetid clime
rank enemy
drunk and horrified
damned time
everyone mortified
there are no winners
lips remain curled
suffer everything and losers
except fat cat profiteers
grinding up the world
sporting garrulous sneers
fear with rank cruelty
excavated from deep within
those careless twisted souls
carved from dark hearts
nothing is sanctified
all those raging fires they lit
whiners yet winners
ultra-rich kin with kit
reforming their kindred law
spouting worldly lines and lies
ratified pejorative
arms dealers and drug rackets
fueling slave markets
skin and souls
planting battlefields
blood and bones
buried mines
civilization further stratified
a brazen civility test
morals of yours and mine
crested with treasured space
midst lost peace and time
crime and profit vows
those gangster places
everything morality detests
measured existence satisfied
nightmares and immoral weather
brands and masks of leather
coverings and certain faces
pain and overt suffering
roughly marking this unholy mess

                        * * *

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