
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Monday, August 22, 2022


this is
my dream
I'll dream
whatever dreams
I love and need
mindful caring
to dream
this is my varied life
harried at times
watch me sew things up
patch holes and cultivate buttercup
parity or so it seems
I'll use sharp needles
let me say needless tools
but think honed and useful thoughts
webs of rare spider silk
shiny threads binding my words together
I think whatever I want
do what ever I mean
I'll go my own way
repose with my own story
I don't know about glory
I'm heading to a place
that cave where sacred doesn't worry
I shan't tarry
maybe I'm too late
still I think I've hurried
trying to understand
everyday I desperately blink
trying to see
pursue true harmony in daily life
view dharma from this position
seek good karma
regarding imposition
nirvana's requisition
devotion to my emotional promises
maintain positive action and motion
so I give a solemn care
don't be pitiless or bottomless
don't assume entitlement or rarity
invoke good action and give joy with your charity
don't promote relentlessness
avoid those bent jeers and stares
rapture rules this volatile world
captured oil and reduced water feelings
survival concerns everything and me
sometimes I seek eternal love
so why must I plead with needless hate
questioning seedy words and morals
still I hate being regardless or late
I hate bigotry and racial hatred
censure greed and immoral nature
that gold standard pounding
rounding out dictatorship
grounded in those fascist rates
delegating vampires with that vampire fate
instigating what hatred has created
lobbyists politically relevated
driving wooden stakes through hearts
opening coffins from early to late
I detest those hounding satyrs
economic matters into brain dead zombies
crafting vanity and corporate monopolies
I cringe feeling that insane hate
drafting those hard crippling places
where there is no soft truth
mark real courage
with intrepid nettle and blue flowered borage
vibrant words and herbs of gladness
hearkening to perfect freedom
cure all notes
hearing and healing
curds and whey remarks
stirring every hard debate
idiosyncratic ideology
but maybe that's destiny
perhaps a never ending cursed state
beware sharp curves and wooden stakes
what if we didn't dream them
what if we refused to see them
what if we couldn't care
what if we wouldn't dare
journey from here
Ixtlan and further
camping over there
only hoping to survive
scarcity and poverty as worthy
no sweet or healing honey
no schools of medicine or bait fish
no coin or cash or safes full of money
relinquish providence and conservation
still all that churning plastic
forget yearning and lost health
wealth floating helpless in the dying sea
pretending what they thought was free
corporate stealth and mind bending
offending you and watching me
no rainbows
only fixed colour
no zen birds singing
just mixed feathers
soaring like origami through the air
no real guard hairs or shiny fur
nothing natural for animals to wear
what if there were
no sweet cream
would hungry life
still want to be
would God still see us
being creative here
would miraculous heaven
retain this modern world
or simply swallow us up
like a sun gone nova
invite corrupt hurting too
seeking something truly divine
angels and all that unknown
what might we see and say
or would we plainly maintain
our deaf and blind stance
shackled to our pathetic fear
propaganda never speaks truth
advance to seldom seeing straight
what about doctrines and other lies
revealing every rivulet in every leaky roof
what about the instruction of water
carving canyons and constructing living proof
what about the sun's blinding light
blind and mindless we appear petty and aloof
what is wrong with us
just what is right
rich earth below
fickle sky above
should we romance misery
hatred with its razor sickle
tickle and remind me why
peaceful harmony and love
just can't live here
remind me why
people helplessly continue
to exist in reckless fear

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