
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Saturday, August 6, 2022


when we arrived
drifting down
descending from the sky
like a shooting star in the night
all those things
that seem contrived
which way to turn
all those you's
all those I's
weave left or right
what to see
where to look
all those images
captured in our minds
always pondering
what could come
always wondering
what would leave
this terrestrial human kind
breathing and upright
wearing hearts on our sleeves
exploring this world
searching for all
we want and need
measuring decent morals
those which make us human
what might we find
discovering advent oracles
would God mind
if the world stopped turning
or is this provincial earth
orbiting an orb brightly burning
just a blip in God's third eye
and what about us
all this eternal consumption
perhaps God is blind
to all our infernal corruption
perhaps God makes no assumption
we're manufacturing consent
withholding true redemption
as we struggle with ascension
without factoring in
divinity and discontent
rarely realizing
God's compassionate dissension
once in a blue moon visualizing
love's ultimate creation

                  * * *

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