who are we
with all these arrows
piercing our bodies
if we aren't saints
with all these firebrands
burning holes
into our souls
are we demons
if a dragon rises up
breathes fire
into our lives
should we cower and run
for our very lives
does it make sense
to stand and fight
when there is no hope
when there is only darkness
when there is no light
if the earth opens up
and swallows us whole
if the ocean
washes us into some catastrophic maelstrom
if we are seized
by all that is horrifically wrong
and nothing ever seems right
should we sink down
drown and die
or should we stand and fight
sometimes nothing makes sense
each day can be a struggle
during those times
we are completely tense
even the good things
in our conflicted lives
doesn't seem right
when morning comes
when the sun beams down
often we're still
wearing a downcast frown
when the wind blows
making us huddle
deeper into ourselves
when nothing goes our way
when everything we're fed
tastes horrible and bitter
when we see people
being trampled to death
for no apparent reason
when the growling jailer
throws away the last key
in the coldest winter season
when we're chained and hung upside down
when we're falsely accused of treason
if our tortured bodies and souls
break into a billion pieces
I wonder if we'll ever wriggle through
find some small escape hole
if we'll ever one day open our eyes
to wondrously see something honest and true
or is this life that we live
everything that can ever be
I wonder if the world
will ever be free
or will another dragon come
to devour us whole
adding everything up
it seems a misconstrued sum
those heartless dragons that have risen up
hunting the majority of all living things
all those emperors that have lost their souls
survival has become the everyday norm
nature and humanity's current major goal
* * *
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