
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Saturday, September 5, 2020


all this loneliness in the world
haunting so many of us
it's not something most of us want
not something average people seek
no one can tell me anything
about loneliness
I've been alone
most of my life
all that loneliness
waking up with me
spending each day with me
going to bed beside me
taunting me
in my lonely dreams
doesn't give up
doesn't give us
to do things
we shouldn't do
doesn't give us
to go places
we shouldn't go
all this loneliness
in this staunch world
loyal loneliness
normally talks to me
like I talk so often
to my lonely self
never left my psyche
never leaving my right side
but then abandonment
who isn't lonely
loneliness can be cruel
it's a lonely world
raunchy loneliness
making me dislike myself
is there something hateful or wrong
with being lonely
always doing things alone
I remember the day
someone tried
to take loneliness away
but loneliness
shackles the lonely
never letting go
always keeps the lonely
lonely at home
lonely in one's dreams
lonely it seems
lonely forever more
won't ever let the lonely
reach another friendly shore

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