
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Monday, February 5, 2024


my mind
in my mind
cold snowy night
these numbing thoughts
what froze has wrought
oh winter light
these stumbling blocks
slippery slopes
mocking me
my heart
my motion heart
missed a beat
nothing complete
when grief strikes
why pain in life
reverting glaciers know
how it goes
under pressure
a liquid measure
salinity and purity
extroverted volcanoes blow
unsure of hard or wise
such resourceful chemistry
ice and lava
gravity is a prize
convert the world
assurances few and far between
hemispheres appear differently
an endosphere of chronology
beginnings meet endings
seeds into blossoms
treasures of a cellular soul
measuring our kind
so many accents of sadness
often such a sordid lot
descending into graphic madness
sometimes sanity isn't kind
composting in my garden mind
in my open cellular heart
I sometimes find
secular glory and victory
in my closed molecular mind
sour rejection
inviting defeat and treachery
in my mongrel mind
this self butchery
all in my pariah mind
still in my selfish kind
why can't worthy compassion
mirror gentle empathy



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