
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Thursday, February 8, 2024


internet life
it's just candy
whatever flavour
you choose
super sweet or super randy
some of it
cuts like a knife
whose it and what's it
that digital endeavour
red's green's blue's
who knew
when that first
telephone rang
tens of decades ago
far in the past
demons just grew and grow
now have phones
taken over lives
tempting mortal and crone
atmospheres of public rant and rave
stake through the heart
making agreeable us crave
making gullible us cry
some of that digital stuff
terror makes a person
want to dread and die
curl up alarmed
panicked enough
wanting to disappear
some of it is more than rough
watch brutal war knocking
banging down a neighbour's door
while peace isn't talking
some of it is enough
to make you want to hurl
anger and rage come to mind
then there's love and peace
parading through spiritual ethers
charades in that ethereal internet
neither nor either
fixes the world
let's all hope
digital existence though
what you see
is what you get
this brave new
digital world
what is hope
if we can't
find a way
somehow survive
let's all pray
derive a way
strive for blessed existence
at least enough to cope
all those restless
wave lengths
imagine vastness
incomparable strength
I AM invincible
feeling rigid and almighty
some unyielding candy
fidgety software chicanery
hard drive digit memory
mighty creation expanding
I AM's supreme scope

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