
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Thursday, April 25, 2024


such vast ocean
we're navigating
maybe one day
we'll discover
some new land
perhaps we'll drown
which might be
most profound
suddenly stars
kiss a wanting sun
mysterious earth
becomes oddly even
more saintly and strange
if we don't know
how to truly feel
when a faintly jaded moon
bears a necklace of pearls
light wearing an earthly eclipse
a girth of splendid rings
around a radioactive sun
sacredness must be at play
what goodness could be real
what might we newly feel
if we are truly meant
to prosper and grow
bent on performing
trying to be perfect
while we respectfully invent
sentient manifestation
maybe veritable God
invariably can't let us be
what if thou and thee
we're absolutely free
meritoriously choose
sort mortal seeds
always resorting
to cultivating and sowing
something more thrilling
still free to love
you and me
just to be free
free to feel love
music and harmony
altruistically finding us
why entertain hatred
cavort with greed
just want to be
free to live
we could
freely choose
compassion and joy
free to be
choose girl or boy
still some sacred tree
naturally adoring
freedom and blessed life
reflect on shimmering leaves
trim sheaves of glimmering light
vanquish callous frowns
suddenly always flowers
glorious gardens appear
forever remembering
remolding ancient Eden
revering a sentient moon
mystics bearing herbs and blooms
wearing one of heaven's
trusted glory crowns
I must somehow yield
shield my trusting eyes
my feeling soul
don't get burned
won't God make us
swallow more bitter pills
no matter if we fallow
how we orbit
who or what
sometimes life
revolves as scattered
still we must follow
if we can be truly full
never ruled by shattered
admitting too
what truly matters
surely mysterious and cold
brother moon
isn't tainted or hollow
perhaps saintly universe
will help us see
freely understand
we can live
truly experience
endless joy
receive miraculous love
even if we
can't ever
seem to be free
if we're clever
in worldly endeavours
our final destination
whatever that measure
we might
eventually be
we need
to be clear
really open
disillusioned eyes
resolutely seek
sacred vision
bravely manifest
to freely be and truly see
for our soul's sake
sacred healing love
what we want
all that magnificent healing
we sincerely need
so much love
such heaven and glory
we can't fake
universal holy seed
sowing and cultivating
reject demon modification
while we're still breathing
existing while still alive
fulfilled by existence
persistently crawling on
perhaps divinely
woven straw and sharpened claws
have timelessly marked
this resistant planet
insistently sacred calls
this living place
where humans
propagate as being
we humans
opportunistically congregating
just to see
mystical stardust
marvel at twin tailed comets
applaud every total eclipse
wishing for more real magic
really though
sometimes tragically
even with a caring tongue
even with two ready lips
staring out with open eyes
nothing can be helped
life can be daunting
thoughts are even tragic
be joyful that
those things we long for
longing for exceptional
romantic love
sacred hope
if haunted hearts
aren't completely broken
if incomplete souls
can reach radiance
even more
shine on
reverence with respect
soul contracts
intact offerings
special factual tokens
perhaps some contractual impact
with tenderness being spoken
wondrous wishful thinking
will softly carry us over
this vast and costly ocean
but we're mostly adrift
on this drastically cold sea
where precious lives
always seem to be
swirling recklessly about
mocked by rips
blocked with violence and sudden roars
talk about shock  
with every changing tide
if only we could
be imaginatively certain
taking genuine stock
find some holy road
follow a gentle stream
we could walk on
discover ready wealth
gain steady insight
something easy to navigate
what if I could
just part the sea
lead goodness over
set one foot forward
on bountiful new land
manna bearing sacred dreams
dreams of countless wonders
reckon untainted ocean beaches
surely countless seas
articulate some kindly humming
boast crystals of shining gems
ringing sounds of hope
abounding on those
holy ocean reaches
reveal nature's magical bounds
commence with poems and psalms
real words that won't be foundless
chant calming sound
a perfect balmy place
purity where good water is a cure
surely introspective incantations
reflect perfect love
forever something
internal and magical
eternal and mystical
journey to that sacred land
where love speaks softly
cradled by intriguing mantra
seeking that holy place
where tantric happiness
remains wholly secure
where faith and courage
gains sweet life
healing milk and honey
something that is real
something that is sure
something we securely feel

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