
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Friday, July 23, 2021


that deep rooted tree
once flourishing
in my enigmatic yard
strong and full of mystical life
some thing perplexing
stealthily came along
carelessly cut it down
right to the very ground
I wept that harried day
surrendered in every way
after that continuance
because when I found
my fallen majesty
lying like a broken song
shattered and dying
simply forlorn
because of some
nonconformist nuance
of some token rights and wrongs
I hurriedly gathered
green shoots
hoping that even one
might root
so once again
my spoken tree
might grow and nourish me
one day tower again
fill up the welcoming sky
but my treeless yard
remains treeless
no matter how hard I try
I've erected a tall fence
surrounding my private life
along one side
I built a private gate
one forever latched
always securely locked
against all that invasive
lurking world outside
somehow I feel dislocated
jerking and obligated
I continuously rotate and hide
lacking free wisdom
once given by that strong wise tree
I'm still cultivating growth
a jungle garden of sorts
implemented in my outside yard
complimenting my limited perception
still I can't help but wonder
if both disgraceful and some hateful axe
chopped down my ageless tree
some obscure hex
arriving in the testy night
wanting to harass and vex
my uncaged soul
I strive to keep things clear
but still no shade now
that crass shrill atmosphere
vastly lacking love and joy
keeping me bound and welded
life held under that burning sun
perhaps one swelled day
I'll rearrange enough
find I've become svelte
shedding prickly and rough
open up and change
my headstrong ways
let a cooling wind
vigorously enter
energetically pass through me
like some blessed sage
enter my secret garden
blow open that locked gate
perhaps someday God
will grant me pardon
before knowing joy and love
forever leaves us
steals away all
below and middle and above
God's earthly wisdom
before I once again
nail closed the gate
before daylight fails
as clever night hails
so when I wake to hark
finally come to realize
darkness might last forever
and then it's much too late

                  * * *

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