
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2022


February's chill ride
all this parka weather
whether to stay inside
or don our winter coats
puffed with down and feathers
to brave biting wind and chill
slide along icy sidewalks
so slippery and frozen still
February a month with many reasons
to stay snuggled under quilts and covers
trying to ignore this forty below season
cuddled together as passionate lovers
ignore those record cold days and nights
believe that minus twenty-five
is a fair and balmy sight
all we want is to remain alive
plainly melt winter's rime and ice
mainly to elope with hinterland's spring
yearning for longer warmer days
so welcome when they bring
crocus blooms and daffodils
things that excite our wanting souls
thawing frozen valleys and hills
but just give me a black ice second
while I pound out some seasonal dents
reckon winter with my iron sledge
measure the depth of deep snow drifts
every settling snowy fortress
piled along each garden fence
still harnessed to my snowshoes
packing trail along every snowy ledge
I'm tracking winter ghouls
relaxing by my blazing campfire
melting winter's blizzard blues
perhaps all the popping trees
will one spring day consent
bring winter to its snowflake knees
melt all those frozen Canadian lakes
amend winter's frosty edge
but trendy February which is so often harsh
will be nothing but yesterday's dream
however if cruel winter tarries
clinging to hungry March it seems
all the resident deer and geese
will have to exist
on snails and sticky buds
February scenes
eventually will cease
as sensible March heralds in
flowing sap and warmer breezes
greet weather that is more laudable
thus the welcome sacred songs of spring
clearly become more audible
leave behind all those February chills and spills
that mighty March appeases

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