
JoeC's original poetry and photos about life and all things under the sun.

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Monday, February 7, 2022


synergistic solar wind
x-rays hurled
planetary sediment
energetic gamma rays
hands down
face down
vexing rays
layer upon layer
atmospheric failure
changing appearances
planetary derailers
wave after critical wave
no marked roads
only slight indentations
no paths or game trails
biblical incantations
no living rain forests
nor sacred holy grail
grim spatial reality
melting permafrost
dim remnants of lost forests
no lasting marshes
gone are purple violets and yellow marsh marigolds
such harsh modality
no placid lakes
or holy rivers
no vast oceans
gone are all those rugged jungles
everything rearranged
even stark taiga
nothing spared
asymmetrical geology
shimmering red rock
completely barren
grave histology
simply deserted
eons on a joyless ride
climb on spirit rover
reconnoiter left
clamber right
ready and steady
space time notions
what a surfeit commotion
overtly heady science
grounding Mars emotions
factless Martian interference
tactlessly grinding
roving across the landscape
exploratory motions
grainy trackless terrain
once treasured ground
fair terrain to token Martians
those well spoken
devotional Beings
remember Martian measure
how Mars dogs
chased Martian cars
remarkable Mars oceans
consequential planting and parenting
towering Mars waves
apparently once upon a time
lively and watery
legend with measurements
those civilized Martians
driving their Martian cars
Mars grand canyons
once jubilant Mars
flowing with Mars water
some time in the mythic past
multi mega annum
galactic history at last
recalling Mars potatoes and onions
imagine Mars otters

              * * * 

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